Page 104 of Dead to the World

“The Bridger family has lived on that land for generations. They were white noise to the people of Fairhaven. I was able to see them for what they were because I saw them through a pair of fresh eyes. I have no history with them.”

She nodded. “That’s a good point. I spent more time reviewing your background than I did thinking about anybody else’s.”

“I understand why you did though.”

The chief cast a glance over her shoulder. “The parade is happening later today, if you’re up for it.”


“Fourth of July. I know you lived in England for a few years, but I don’t think your friends there would be offended if you partook in any festivities to celebrate our independence from them.”

I smiled. “No, I’m sure they wouldn’t.” If I had any.

“You’re a natural, you know. The way you ran your investigation. You should consider a new career.”

“I have my hands full at the moment, but thanks for the vote of confidence.” I made a show of sweeping the debris off the porch.

“You won’t find enough lost heirs in this area to continue your practice here,” she pressed. “Might as well apply those skills another way.”

I didn’t react. I could tell she had more to say.

“That was a big case you landed,” she continued, proving me right. “The Allthorpe estate. There was so much money involved that it made the papers.”

“It was a huge windfall,” I agreed.

“Better than the lottery, really, because you found that lord’s missing heir. Were they annoyed to have to share a percentage of the estate with you?”

“No, they were grateful. If I hadn’t found them, they would never have known about the inheritance.” And they’d needed the money. Lord Allthorpe’s cousin was fighting cancer and had been interested in trying alternative treatments but couldn’t afford them. The inheritance bought him the most precious resource in the world—time. And I was using my portion to do the same.

Chief Garcia nodded. “I’m interviewing replacements for Officer Lindley. In the meantime, if I need someone to bounce ideas off of, would you mind if I paid you a visit?”

“I doubt you’ll need me again. Fairhaven isn’t exactly the crime capital of Pennsylvania.”

“No, but we get more than our share of incidents.”

I stopped sweeping. “I’m sure there are more suitable people in town.”

She held up her hands in acquiescence. “I get it. You’re not interested. You came here for peace and quiet.”

“I did.”

“Well, you won’t be getting it tonight. The fireworks are noisy, but you’ll have a great view of them from here.”

I followed her gaze to the town below and the hint of the river beyond. It didn’t need fireworks to be beautiful. It was picturesque exactly as it was.

“I appreciate you coming to see me, Chief. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

She tapped her badge. “I’m hard to miss.” She turned on her heel and retraced her steps across the bridge, pausing again to look at the moat. “You might want to throw some chemicals in there. You’ve got a buildup of bacteria. You wouldn’t want to pick up a flesh-eating virus from your own moat.”

“No, but I’d like my enemies to.”

She frowned, as though not quite sure whether I was joking. I offered a friendly final wave and resumed sweeping.

“She thinks you’re a real asset,” Ray surmised, observing the chief as she climbed into the driver’s seat of her SUV.

“Because sheisa real asset,” Nana Pratt said.

I left the broom on the porch and retreated inside, away from the sweltering heat. “I’m not an asset. I’m a person.”