I nodded briefly. This was the first time in the last few months when I felt almost happy.Almost.I was optimistic and hopeful the whole time, not for anything else but for my children. But happiness?
Against my own urge to remain cool and unbothered, a goofy smile showed on my lips. Aiden caught it immediately, but he didn't say anything. He just extended his hand and left it on my lap as I drove.
I didn't move it away.
Oliver was beside himself with joy as soon as he saw the boys. It made my heart sing to see that look of pure, utter bliss on his face.
"Hey, if it isn't our favorite little man." Dom chuckled and picked him up. "How have you been, Ollie?"
"Why didn't you visit me for all this time?" He scrunched his features into a little scowl.
"We had to go away to do something important, Ollie," Aiden said, ruffling Ollie's hair as Dom put him down. "But we're back now, and we're staying."
I considered the oddness of the situation. Me telling my son I was getting married in the school parking lot. But it felt like the most ordinary thing, given that this wasmylife, and most of it was anything but ordinary.
Aiden's eyes met mine, and I nodded.
"Really," he said, hugging Ollie. I bundled Ollie into the front seat, and the boys settled down in the back. As I got in the car, I fixed Ollie's seatbelt.
"Ollie, d'you think it's a good idea to let Aiden share the penthouse with us?"
"I want all of ‘em to share!" he squealed.
We had considered the option of telling him I was tying myself to all three of them, but it would be too much for an eight-year-old to take. Instead, Dom suggested we tell him I was marrying Aiden. He and Niall, as he joked, came with the package.
"Then that's just what we'll do," I replied, kissing his little nose. "Aiden and I are getting married, Ollie!"
"Whaaaaa?" His eyes widened. "Really?" He turned his head back to look at Aiden, then at me, then back again. "And I'll be the best man?"
Aiden chuckled. "You'll be the chief guest, little man."
"And there'll be ice cream at the wedding?"
My heart.
"As many flavors as you want."
"Okay," Niall said, his tone slightly anxious. "This is like the sweetest moment, but I'm also freaking out."
I focused on the bend in front, turned the car, and then stopped it. Ben's place came into view. Abigail was out in the garden, and Ben was standing beside her. The two looked like they were bickering about something.
Abigail saw me step out and fixed her special plastic smile on her face. She gave me a light hug. "So glad to hear everything is fine, Selene. We were very scared about Ollie!"
Of course, she wouldn't mention how she'd let him out of her sight. I didn't expect it.
And I didn't want to open a book I'd chosen to close a while back. Abigail and I would never get along. It was just that.
Not all stories needed to have a definitive end.
"Come on inside, Ollie," Abigail told my son. "I'm baking fresh dino cookies!"
"What are those?" Oliver asked curiously as he let his aunt usher him to the kitchen.
"Selene. And... guys." Ben came toward us, his expression equal parts delighted and confused. "What's going on?"
I could virtually hear Aiden panicking beside me. Chicken.