Selene's hands clenched the edges of her seat, her eyes locked on the road ahead. Fear and determination mingled in her gaze. I could see the unspoken vow in her eyes—we would bring Ollie back, no matter the cost.

"Wait," Dom called out as we sped toward the tunnel. "Wait."

I brought the car to a screeching halt and gave him my best murderous glance. The door of the Fortuner opened, and a police officer hurtled inside.

"Dom, my boy." He nodded briskly. "More reinforcements are on the way."

"Thanks for doing this," Dom muttered. "Guys, this is Officer Riley."

Riley shrugged and turned his attention to the road. "I owe you."

Raindrops streaked across the windshield, distorting the world outside as if mirroring the chaos within us. My eyes scanned the horizon for any sign of Dave's Honda CR-V.

The Harbor Tunnel loomed in the distance.

"He's almost at the tunnel!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the car. "We can't let him disappear!"

The tension in the vehicle reached its peak as we hurtled into the entrance of the Harbor Tunnel.

Darkness engulfed us, the only illumination coming from the intermittent glow of the fluorescent lights lining the walls.

Rain thumped rhythmically against the tunnel's concrete walls, adding a haunting soundtrack to our pursuit.

"Hang in there, Selene," I called out, my voice resolute. "We're going to end this nightmare."

The tunnel seemed to stretch endlessly before us, each passing second intensifying the urgency within. The sound of screeching tires reverberated through the enclosed space as we looped through traffic, each maneuver calculated to inch closer to our quarry.

"We're close," Selene said. I didn't know why, but it felt like I could hear her heart beating out of her chest. "I can see his car! We're close!"

"He's not getting away."

As we closed in on Dave's car, adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses. The rain-slicked road seemed to bend to our will as we scrambled to close the gap.

"This is it!" I exclaimed, my voice a mix of determination and desperation. "We're taking him down!"

Blaring sirens echoed off the tunnel walls, the sound blending with the roaring engine and the furious beating of our hearts.

And then, as if time had slowed, we emerged from the tunnel, our vehicles side by side. The moment Dave saw Selene, his face took on a look of panic. In the back seat, Ollie thumped on the window, screaming soundlessly.

"Ollie!" Selene cried out, her voice breaking. "Hang in there, baby. We're coming."

But Dave was a man in the throes of desperation. He knew—if it wasn't this, it was jail. He picked up speed.

A chorus of police sirens blared behind us as their vehicles closed in on our collective target. Flashing lights illuminated the rainy night, casting an otherworldly glow on everything.

"Stay behind us!" a commanding voice crackled through the police radio, its authority cutting through the chaos. "We've got you covered."

With a synchronized display, the police vehicles maneuvered expertly, forming a protective shield around us. Their presence emboldened us, allowing us to focus solely on the task at hand—bringing Dave down and rescuing Ollie.

I could feel the weight of the moment, the culmination of our tireless efforts, and the stakes that hung in the balance.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as I closed the distance between us and Dave's car. The tension in the air was palpable, the intensity building with every passing second.

Suddenly, a burst of police radio chatter filled the car as officers relayed snippets of urgent information to Riley.

"Cut him off at the next intersection!" a commanding voice boomed over the radio, punctuating the air with a sense of finality.

As if guided by an invisible force, the police vehicles surrounding us orchestrated a coordinated maneuver, boxing in Dave's car.