"Oh." I smiled. "I love it. I love being with the three of you and how this is so different from what I ever thought I'd have—but in the best of ways, you know?"
"We know," Aiden said, running his fingers over my shoulder. "I think it's because we're non-exclusive, and we don't have those usual relationship burdens. Like, we're not obligated to be with each other. We're just here because we enjoy it."
The words hit my skin like whiplash.
I didn't know if Dom felt any differently because I saw his expression grow dark and he gave what looked like an annoyed glance toward Aiden. But that was probably the product of my reactive mind.
The boys weren't thinking about anything long-term.
They just enjoyed this because we were non-exclusive, because we didn't have anything to define the limits of this relationship, if I could even call it that.
And just like that, I knew I could not tell them. What good would this news be to them if they would only become worried or devastated or burdened in the wake of it?
I remembered Dave's last message the day he quit on Ollie and me.
He thought he deserved more than being burdened with a wife and child.He thought we were the reason for his failures.
What if Aiden, Dom, and Niall felt like their lives, careers—whatever made them feel free and unencumbered—would be lost because I was pregnant?
I didn't want that.
Hell, I didn't need that. Neither did the little ones inside me. I could do this on my own.
"What Aiden means is," Dom butted in while scowling heavily at Aiden, "that we really appreciate how well all of us have adjusted to each other."
"Yeah," Aiden continued, completely oblivious. "That wouldn't be possible if we didn't go about this so freely, right? I mean, all of us got in this knowing there are no strings attached. It's a lot less messy that way."
"Totally," I replied, unable to keep my voice from shaking just a little. "No, I get what you mean. I feel the same way."
I sat up on the bed.
Dom reached out and touched my back lightly. "Selene, are you alright?"
"Yeah, sure," I replied, my voice suddenly high enough to rival a chipmunk's. "Why shouldn't I be?"
My back was turned to the boys, and I used a whole minute to compose my features into what I hoped would convey a cheery spirit. It wasn't easy, considering all I wanted to do was kick the two of them out, curl under the sheets, and drown myself in tubs of Cherry Garcia.
"Are you sure? Because you don't sound okay," Dom persisted, and his questions just got more and more uncomfortable. What the hell was I supposed to say?
Thankfully, Ben’s calling my number offered me enough reason to jump out of bed and run to the charging station like my life depended on attending his call.
"Hey." Even as I said hi to my brother, my voice came out unnaturally high.
It reminded me of the time I'd done poorly at school and tried to cover up by marking over my grades with a sketch pen. Ben had been the one to save me from Mom's wrath that day.
"Selene." The voice at the other end of the line was, somehow, just as high-pitched. And at that exact moment, all the neural wirings that connected me to my son started firing off.
I knew. I just knew.
"What is it?" I shrieked. "Ben, tell me immediately."
Dom and Aiden were beside me in a second. Aiden reached out to touch me, but I jerked my shoulder away from his hand. It was the last thing I needed.
"Selene—" Ben's voice was muffled and broken. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know how it happened. Abigail had let him out to play, and he got too far. Abigail went after him, but before she could bring him back, Dave—"
"He took Oliver," Ben whispered. "Abigail got his number plate. It's BOS-1549, a steel-colored Honda CR-V. I've informed the police, Selene—"