I had to agree with her. This was the most generic reception area I'd seen in a long while—it could lead to a dungeon or a library, and I wouldn't be able to say, "I didn't expect that."
A receptionist came forward and asked Chloe to wait in the lobby. She led me down a carpeted hallway after some routine questions.
I'd never get used to being in an examination room, but I told myself to suck it up and lie down on the table.
The ultrasound technician dabbed cool gel on my stomach, and I closed my eyes and said a small prayer.
He placed a probe on my skin and focused on the monitor. And then, I heard him emit a tiny exclamation.
"Is everything okay?" I asked, worried out of my mind.
"Oh." He looked at me kindly and smiled. "Everything is just fine, Ms. Baker. I believe congratulations are in order. You're carrying three viable embryos."
* * *
"Selene,this is a very high-risk pregnancy. You have one functional fallopian tube. As your doctor, I have to inform you of the options that you have available. The decision to move forward, of course, is entirely yours."
Armed with my USG report, which told me I was six and a half weeks into my pregnancy, I sat across a sleek wood table from the doctor. I couldn't believe it. That must mean I had become pregnant from the very first, maybe the second time the boys and I had ever been together.
My new OB/GYN, Dr. Patil, regarded me from the other end. His expression was slightly worried.
"Doctor, I am moving ahead with the pregnancy," I said, keeping my voice steady. "I only want to make sure it is as healthy as possible."
"I understand," he replied, his gaze softening. "Well, we can certainly proceed with specialized prenatal care. This will involve frequent visits, genetic screenings, advanced ultrasounds, and blood tests. I will put you in touch with a perinatologist. Feel free to reach out to them at any point if you are overwhelmed or have a specific question that needs answering.”
He grinned at me. "Your diet must be very healthy. Exercise often—nothing too heavy, but long walks, swimming, anything that keeps your body and mind busy. And then, the usuals—no alcohol or tobacco, and most importantly, keeping stress at a manageable level."
Dr. Patil guided me through an extensive list of specific medications, possible complications, the chance of an earlier delivery, and the procedures surrounding close fetal monitoring.
By the time I was ready to leave, my head and heart were both suspended.
I almost hurtled out of his office and into Chloe's comforting arms, because even with three whole little hearts beating inside me, I felt impossibly alone.
Chloe took me back home and made me a cup of chamomile. I could not eat anything. Now that I knew what was going on, the mere idea of food somehow made me feel nauseated.
"Why are you afraid?" she finally asked me. By this time, I'd been pacing around the whole living room like a wild animal in captivity. "Selene, can I say something?"
I shrugged. "Go on."
Chloe cleared her throat. "For as long as I've known you, I've seen you play a lot of roles. And you're damn good at all of them. But listen. The role that makes you the happiest—the one that always, always makes me go, ‘such a Selene thing' is so obvious—it's your role as a mom!"
I halted in my tracks and turned to her. My heart suddenly expanded at the realization that I'd been holding back on.
"I'm going to be a mom again, Chloe," I whispered. The tears came, slow at first and then like a steady river in the monsoon. "I'm going to be a mom again."
"And you're going to be the best fucking one, okay?" Chloe got up to pull me into a tight hug.
"What if something happens?" I sniffled. "What if something goes wrong and the world takes this away from me?"
"Nothing is going to happen," she said calmly, patting my back as I began hiccupping. "Everything will be just fine, and in a few months, your life will be fuller than ever before. Right now, all you need to do is focus on yourself and make that one last decision."
I knew what she meant. And I'd been wanting to see the boys all day long. I ached for the comfort of their arms and their languid banter.
After I felt calm enough, and Chloe left for home, I sent a message on the group thread.
Are you guys free?
Aiden was the one who responded.