Aiden: Not in the crapper, just sitting back with a whiskey. Selene, don't worry about last night. We had a really great time. And we're glad you're feeling better.
I read the message four times before sending it. It felt worse than the last time I'd had to write an answer to pass an exam.
Selene: Thanks, guys, You lot are amazing.
Niall: Now, when do we get to test your cooking?
Selene: Did you just pull a Reverse Uno on me?
I chuckled like a randy love fool.
Dom: Come on, Selene. You have to!
Selene: Okay, okay. Oliver's been asking about you guys ever since this morning. Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow night?
Niall: I'm in.
Dom: I'm in too.
I was almost tempted to say no. I could see myself falling deeper and deeper into it with Selene. What if...
But the alternative, not being there, not seeing her, knowing she'd be disappointed, was far worse.
I sighed and typed my reply.
Beer's on me.
* * *
As it turned out,Selena was going to be late coming home from work today.
And the three of us may have been a little too excited. So we showed up at her place on the dot, only to find that she wasn't home.
"Hey, Selene, we're already here. Waiting for you because we don't want to get caught breaking into the fortress."
She exhaled over the call. "Fuck, guys, I'm so sorry. It's a mess at work tonight. I'm trying to wrap up as soon as I can, but it'll be at least an hour more. I've told Biscuit to let you in."
"Biscuit? Do I dare ask who this is, and if he is to be enjoyed with a side of tea?"
Selene snorted. "Dad jokes on point. Ollie would really appreciate this. Biscuit is ex-SEAL and head of my security team. Go up to the gate. He'll be there."
"With a gun and a threat?" Dom asked nervously.
I relayed his concern to Selene, who said something about men and their weak balls before replying with, "Not unless you guys have anything to be afraid of."
We pulled up in front of her penthouse and waited for Biscuit to let us in. Sure enough, the doors swung open and he stood there. He had a massive body and an oddly tiny head in proportion to it.
"Man, the guy's making me regret all my life decisions and he hasn't even said fuck all yet." Niall shifted on his feet.
Biscuit introduced himself and let us in. He told us Ollie was in the nursery.
We couldn't get up there fast enough. For one, we wanted to see the kid again. Plus, being around this massive mountain of a man and needing to call him Biscuit just felt... all kinds of wrong.
As we approached the nursery, screams and cries punctuated the otherwise clinically quiet air.
The door was open.
I peeked inside.