"How about you consider leaving without wasting any of our time?" I ask him, keeping my tone pleasant. "We don't tolerate anyone treating our staff the way you did."

"Are you serious?" His eyes bulged out, and droplets of spit came out of his mouth. "I'm the customer. I'm the God! What the fuck is wrong with you lot? You think you can tell me what to do? I'm the one paying your bills, aren't I?"

"Well, since we've never seen you before, that would be an overstretch. And our restaurant policies state that if there are signs of unruly behavior, we reserve the right to refuse service to the perpetrators of said behavior. So, either you can leave on your own, or I can help with that."

I folded my arms in front of my chest, flexing my muscles intentionally. On any day, I was twice the size of this rat.

He opened his mouth once again, but Niall came to stand beside me. Taken together, we could pummel the shit out of this stick.

"You'll regret this," he finally squawked in a tone that he supposed was confident. "You don't know what I can—"

"Come on, let's get you out." Niall placed a firm hand on his shoulder and almost pulled him from the seat. "You can complain on the way."

And he did. He jabbered on and on about how big he was and the many ways he'd fuck us up until I lost my patience and almost tossed him out like he was garbage.

"Well, that was nice." Niall grinned as we watched him swear and flail his arms like an angry chicken running around. "We should do that more often."

"Sure, let's get his address from Selene and pay him to come around so he can help us clean our negative energies and shit like Ben would say."

Ben was big on Reiki, for context.

"What do you think about Selene, by the way?" Niall asked as we headed back to the kitchen.

I gave him a wry grin. "Kind of like what we felt in our teens, but it's more intense this time."

Niall, Aiden, and I were no novices when it came to sharing women.

We'd done it before, and we all found it amplified our bond instead of pushing us away from each other.

This was until Aiden fell in love with Maisie, a girl who basically ripped his heart out and probably made jewelry with it.

"You think she'd be game?"

"She's just our type."

We entered the back doors and found Selene busy learning something from Pierre, whose animated voice and flourishes told us he was in his element.

"Hey," I called to her. "Got a second?"

"No," Pierre replied for her. "I am teaching her to make a delicious little sauce—"

"Please, Pierre, if you're doing that, you're gonna keep her all day. Just give us a minute." Niall chuckled.

Pierre glared at the two of us, and Selene said something sweet that made him smile and blush like a ripe tomato. She came over with a sauce ladle in her hands.

"I'm thinking I should introduce a seasonal savory menu. And..."

She smiled at the two of us. Her lips parted slightly, and she spoke in a soft voice. "I loved what you guys did back there. You stood up for your staff and got rid of an asshole in the process. You guys are total hotties in my book, but I'm still taking some points off for the bullying."

I felt like I was back in school once again, dreaming of the day Selene would kiss me.

"There's more where that came from," Niall said, grinning suggestively. "If you let us make it up to you. We promise we're not the assholes we used to be."

"Well," she replied thoughtfully. "There's only one way I can see that happening."

"We're game."

"You guys should come over to my place and cook dinner for my kid and me. He'll be the judge of whether I should forgive you."