Leaning back against the plush fabric of the couch, I closed my eyes and imagined her here with me. In nothing except a towel.

I pictured her straddled on my lap, my cock buried inside her.

Selene, looking down at me, her eyes soft and deep.

Selene, speaking the way she did, the little things only she could do to make everything seem so special.

From the day of the wedding, I should have known that there was always going to be more to us than just sparks, that my body could make do with the bare minimum, but my heart?

I shook my head, still refusing to acknowledge the chaos inside. It could not be.

Love was never my thing, and it wouldn't cripple what I'd found with her. This was just a phase. It had happened because I was seeing her after so many years.

It would pass, I convinced myself. I could almost see Dom do his sarcastic lip curl.

Sure, it will.

As I scrolled through her feed, a message notification caught my attention. I opened it immediately.

Selene had made a group with the three of us and her. And she'd named it too.

The Baker's Boys.

I laughed at that. And then I realized it was the first time I'd laughed this entire fucking day. What the hell was this girl doing to me?

Selene was typing, so I waited.

Selene:Hey, guys. I was a total jackass to you last night, and I'm really sorry about that. Shit's been weird around here lately, but I don't want to trouble you with that. I had a really lovely time.

Dom:Baker's Boy One responding here. It was a bangin' night, sorry for the miserable pun. But Selene, if you want to talk about the weird shit, we're here for that too.

Niall:Totally. Do you need us to beat someone up? Looking at weapons options as we speak.

Given how fond Niall was of packing, and that his brothers went on to join the SEALS, I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually doing that.

The chat had fallen silent. I realized all of them were waiting for me to respond.

I gulped and began typing.

We're glad you're okay.

No. Delete. Too generic.

I was worried something had gone wrong.

No. Delete. She's not ten years old. Thank fuck for that too.

I thought about you all day.

No. Abso-fucking-lutely delete. Damn it.

I tapped my phone's screen impatiently for a minute.

Dom: Maybe Aiden's in the crapper.

Fuck him.

I frowned and began typing again.