Page 49 of Fierce-Trent

“It’s funny how you know me so well,” she said. “A movie sounds good. I don’t know that I want the night to end just yet, but I’d like to give my voice a rest.”

He picked up the remote and found a movie on HBO. A comedy. It was cheesy, but they both laughed.

By eight thirty, he figured he should bring her back home. They’d been together all afternoon.

“Do you know, this is the longest first date I’ve ever had.”

She paused as if that hadn’t occurred to her. “I thought dinner last night was one,” she said.

“Okay, the longest second date. That was me being spontaneous last night.”

“Spontaneous works,” she said.

“Does it?” he asked. He was sitting on the couch by her, but not touching her. He was going to take a risk and lean in.

She didn’t back away, only inched closer, then whispered, “Yeah.”

His mouth found hers.

It was soft. It was tender. And it was gentle.

He wanted to have the complete opposite but knew he’d have to go slow and he’d take this as another win this weekend too.


Not Worth It

“I’m glad I’m with you for my birthday,” Eli said on Saturday two weeks later.

“So am I,” Roni said. “But you’re going to Dad’s tomorrow and having a party there.”

“I can’t wait either,” Eli said. “Grandpa Joe said he had a big surprise for me, but I’m not sure what it is.”

She could only imagine what Jeff’s father bought Eli, but she wouldn’t comment. Eli wanted a bike for his birthday and that was what she got him.

She’d teach him to ride here at the park. His friends all had bikes and Eli had been keeping up on a scooter. Now her son could be just like his buddies.

“You’ll have just as much of a good time there as you are with us tonight,” she said. She was frosting his cake for him. White cake, chocolate frosting. She’d write Happy Birthday on it too.

She knew in the past Eli got catered parties and cakes when he was with Jeff, but she always went the homemade route and Eli seemed to enjoy it.

“I’m getting cheese-stuffed bacon burgers for dinner, right?” Eli asked.

“You are,” she said. She’d love to make them on the grill, but she couldn’t have a private grill here. She had to share one in the common area.

Instead she’d make them in the oven and they’d be just as good.

“When are Uncle Jax and Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Troy coming?”

“They will be here at four,” she said. “It’s only three. Just another hour. We’ll eat at five.”

“We can open my gifts first, you said,” Eli asked.

Jax was bringing the bike with him as there was nowhere to hide it in this place that Eli wouldn’t find it. Her only other choice was to have it in her little SUV and Eli would have seen it in the back there too.

“That’s right,” she said. “Until then, why don’t you go play video games or something.”

“Okay,” Eli said, going into the living room.