Page 35 of Fierce-Trent

He put the phone down and his mother stood up. “I’ve got a lot to do myself. I’ll talk to you soon.”

He nodded his head to his mother and picked the phone up to see if he could get himself another big case.

* * *

“How are things going, Janine?”Jami asked her son’s paralegal when she left Trent’s office.

“They are going great,” Janine said. “Crazy busy is a wonderful thing. I don’t think Trent would have been nearly as busy this soon if it wasn’t for Roni and her newsletter.”

“Roni?” she asked.

“She’s the property manager here. So super sweet and smart. She’s big on letting everyone know in the building who is who. Right after Trent opened the office she started the newsletter and within two weeks we had so many new clients it wasn’t funny. Most little one-time things, but we’ve got one case that is taking a lot of billable hours and another that we are waiting on a settlement soon.”

“That’s great,” she said. “Tell me more about this Roni.”

Her motherly senses, and knowing how the Fierces worked, told her this might be the woman.

“More like what?” Janine asked. Then her jaw dropped. “Is Roni the target for Trent?”

Janine’s voice had dropped down to a whisper. She wasn’t surprised Janine knew about the matchmaking that went on. It seemed everyone did.

“That might be the case,” she said. “Trent just told me he knows who it is and when he saw I didn’t, he thought it was funny.”

“Damn,” Janine said. “Can I help? He’d never expect it. You know that.”

Jami rubbed her hands together. “You know what? That might be the edge we need with Trent. Tell me what you know.”

“She’s late twenties, cute. Tiny. She has a six-year-old son, but she’s a single mother.”

“Ever been married?” she asked.

“I don’t think so. Trent is the one that found out about Eli one day.” She listened to Janine say what happened when Eli ran into her son and grinned. Oh yeah. This sounded promising. Trent always did like kids.

“Perfect,” she said. “I’m going to check in with Diane and I’ll keep you posted. This is between us for now.”

“I hope your son doesn’t fire me if he finds out I’m playing a part in this,” Janine said.

“If it works out, maybe you’ll get a promotion,” she said, laughing.

“Nah,” Janine said. “I’m happy right now and it’d be nice if Trent found someone too.”

Jami left the building and got to her car, pulled her phone out and called Diane. “Hi, Jami. How have you been?”

“Good, Diane. I just left Trent’s office. So...the woman you had in mind for him, is her name Roni?”

“It is,” Diane said. “How did you find out?”

She told Diane what had just happened. She knew Diane would fill Carolyn in, but since Raina’s brother-in-law was Diane’s son, she always felt closer to that Fierce wife. That she could call her for anything because they’d gotten close planning Raina and Cody’s joint bridal and bachelor party at Ryder’s house.

“Janine is on board to help out behind Trent’s back. What do you think?”

“I think it’s brilliant,” Diane said. “An inside person. It’s just what we need.”

“Does Roni know what is going on?” she asked.

“No idea,” Diane said. “She has to be handled carefully.”

Hmm. That didn’t sound good. “What do you know about her? Or have you only known her since she was hired this year?”