Page 121 of Fierce-Trent

“No,” she said. “He doesn’t. I’d never allow it and you know it. I’m outside with him the whole time and I’d know if he was jumping.”

“I don’t know what to tell you,” Jeff said. “But he’s fine.”

“Jeff, I can hear him crying. He doesn’t cry. You know that. He’s hurt and if you don’t take him to the ER then I’m coming to get him.”

“You’ve got no right to come get him when he’s with me,” Jeff said.

“Then take it up with our lawyers because I’m coming.”

“Fine,” Jeff said. “I’ll bring him.”

“Where are you taking him? I’m meeting you there,” she said firmly. “Don’t argue with me about this, Jeff. The fact I’ve got to tell you to do this is enough for me to cause the issues Jenna says I do and we know it’s not me that goes back to the lawyers all the time.”

“I’ll take him to the Duke Raleigh ER,” Jeff snapped and then hung up on her.

“What is going on?” Trent asked.

“Eli fell off his bike and hurt his arm. Jeff and Jenna pretty much told him to suck it up. He said he hit his head too.”

“That’s not good,” he said. “Let’s go.”

“You don’t need to go with me,” she said.

“You’re not going alone,” he said. “Or are you afraid to let Jeff know you’re seeing me?”

“I’m not,” she said. “But I’m not sure now is the time for this either.”

“I don’t care,” he said. “I’ll drive because you’re upset. Tell me more about the call on the drive there.”

She wasn’t going to argue at this point. She just wanted to get to her son.

They got in his car and drove the twenty-five minutes to the ER. When she got there, Eli, Jeff and Jenna were in the waiting room.

“Mommy,” Eli said, coming over to her. He was holding his arm and she could see this was more than a bruise. His eyes were puffy from crying on top of it and there were still tears falling. “My arm hurts and I can’t move my finger.” There was a bit of a bruise on the side of his cheek too with a scratch.

“His hand is swollen,” she said, looking at Jeff.

“It wasn’t like that earlier,” Jenna answered. “Do you think we are stupid? It just happened in the last fifteen minutes.”

Roni turned to look at Jeff. “Why is his face cut? Did he not have a helmet on?”

“He had it on when he went outside,” Jeff said.

She turned. “Eli. Were you wearing a helmet?”

Eli started to cry harder. “Dad says I don’t have to.”

“That’s not true,” Jeff said.

“You do know it’s the law for minors to wear a helmet under the age of sixteen,” Trent said. “And enforceable by a fine.”

“Who the hell are you?” Jeff finally asked. As if it hadn’t occurred to him she might have come with someone.

“Trent is Mom’s boyfriend,” Eli said, sniffling.

“Hey, bud,” Trent said. “Hang in there. Maybe they will get you in soon.”

“You’ve got a boyfriend?” Jeff asked. “Why am I just hearing this now?”