Page 126 of Fierce-Trent

She had a feeling it happened, but again, nothing she could do about it. She’d get more information from Eli when she saw him on Monday. It killed her to not see him now or even tomorrow, but Eli would call her.

“I don’t think so,” she said. She knew it was probably a lie.

“It sounds as if Jenna is causing problems too. What is her issue?”

“I don’t know and don’t have time to care,” she said. “I just wanted to let you know what was going on. I’m going to take a hot bath and try to relax.”

“You should call Trent and talk to him,” her mother said.

“No,” she said. “Not tonight. I can’t. I need to be alone.”

Two hours later though, it was barely eight and it felt as if it’d been days rather than seven hours since everything had happened. Her phone rang and she saw it was Jax and answered.

“How are you doing?” Jax asked.

“Hanging in there,” she said. “Did you talk to Mom?”

There was silence and then Jax said, “She called me.”

“And she told you everything that happened, right?”

“Maybe,” her brother said. “Everyone is just watching out for you.”

“I know, but I don’t need it,” she said. “I’ve been watching out for myself and my son for years.”

“But you don’t have to do it alone,” Jax said. “You used to come to me before for advice. Why not now?”

“I don’t know. I just need to get through today,” she said, and hoped that Trent would understand when they could talk again.

She started to sniffle and grabbed a tissue to blot her eyes. “You’re crying,” Jax said. “I’ll come over.”

“No,” she said. “I need to be alone. Maybe I need a big cry. It was an emotional day. It was so hard to see Eli in pain like that.”

“I know,” Jax said. “But he called you. Remember that. He knew he was hurt and he wanted his mother. Not his father. But you.”

“That helps some.”

“He would have called you even if Jeff did bring him to the ER,” Jax said.

“I believe that too,” she said. It made her feel as if she was doing things right in her son’s life even when at times it felt as if everything was so wrong.

She hung up with Jax shortly after and grabbed the remote to try to find something on TV and take her mind off of the day. She probably shouldn’t have sent Trent home because she didn’t want to be alone, but she didn’t want anyone to know that either.

Pride was a horrible roadblock it seemed.

* * *

Trent was tryingto figure out what the hell his next step was going to be.

He wanted to let Roni have her space but then was beating himself up over the fact that it might be the wrong move.

When his phone went off with a text, he hoped it was Roni but saw that it was Jax asking if he could talk.

He replied he could and his phone rang a minute later.

“Hi, Jax. Did Roni give you an update of what was going on?”

“She did,” Jax said. “She told me most of what happened.”