Page 125 of Fierce-Trent

“I don’t need help,” she snapped. “That’s your problem. You’ve been doing it your whole life. Going in for the underdog. Maybe that is the draw to me. You felt like you had to fight my battles and that isn’t the case.”

It hurt him to hear those words. “I don’t think that.”

“But it’s who you are and you can’t back away from it. I think I need to be alone tonight,” she said when he pulled into her apartment complex.

“I’d rather not leave you alone,” he said.

“It’s not about you,” she said. “It’s about me. I’m sorry.”

He didn’t want to add to her misery, so he took his leave and wondered where the hell he went wrong when he was only trying to help.

“Shit.” Could she be right?Trent had always thought people who were in love tried to help each other. Now he was totally confused.


Causing Problems

“Don’t you think you were a little hard on him?” her mother asked her later that night.

“I don’t need him to come to my defense,” Roni argued. “He only made things worse.”

And her fear of bringing her drama to another guy and ruining a relationship might have been part of her overreaction, thinking back.

“No, he didn’t,” her mother said. “You know that deep down. He’d never do that to you.”

She did know that. Just like she knew she’d hurt his feelings when she told him she wanted to be alone tonight.

“I know. But it was a heightened situation to begin with. I should have stuck to my guns and told him I was going alone.”

“No,” her mother said. “He’d never allow that any more than your father or Jax would have. One of us would have been there if Trent wasn’t. I had a hard time keeping Jax back.”

She figured as much. “I appreciate it. I ended up giving Jax Trent’s number so that they could talk. I just couldn’t keep going back and forth with him while I was in there with Jeff.”

Jeff kept asking if she was texting Trent. She felt as if she was sitting in interrogation while they waited for the doctor. When she wouldn’t answer the questions about Trent, then Jeff started to ask Eli.

That was when she lost her patience and told Jeff to focus on Eli and not her relationship. She’d answer questions for him later on.

Which of course came before she made this call to her mother.

Once Jeff got home he called and was screaming at her. She knew it was going to happen and didn’t want Trent around to witness it.

She took it when she shouldn’t have. Then she tried to calm him down and say that she had no intention of going for full custody...even if she wanted it.

Because Trent was right. This wasn’t enough for her to get it and it would only hurt Eli during the process. And she pointed that all out to Jeff.

He accused Trent of lying to her and said he believed Jenna.

None of that came as a surprise to her. She’d been living this life for years and it wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

“He’s such an asshole,” her mother said. “Why does he have to make your life so hard? You have more on him than he will ever have on you. Then on top of Eli not having a helmet on. The whole lying about Eli saying you allowed him to jump with his bike too.”

“I need to talk to Eli about that. I didn’t want to bring it up in front of Jeff. I don’t think Eli would lie about that, but I don’t know. Kids are kids and they say things. But Eli has made comments before about his cousin Mikey doing all sorts of things and talking him into it.”

“Do you think Mikey is the one that had him do it? You said they were together?”

“I can only assume or guess and that doesn’t do me any good. I talked to Eli after Jeff got done yelling at me.”

“You’re not his child for him to treat you that way. I hope he doesn’t yell at Eli like that,” her mother said.