Page 115 of Fierce-Trent

“Good,” he said. “I need to get to work. We can figure out dinner later. Just let me know what you want to do. And you look cute today.”

“Thank you,” she said.

“You don’t normally wear a dress. Why did you?”

She grinned at him. “I just felt like it. It’s pretty comfortable.”

She had a long burgundy cotton dress on with black knee-high boots. They were flat and she didn’t get to wear them much, but this dress seemed to call for it and she was going with it.

It was the only little bit of red she owned also.

“It looks comfy,” he said.

Trent left after that and she got to work.

A few hours later, Diane Fierce walked in with Carolyn. Of course they had bags in their hands. “Morning, Roni,” Diane said. “We come bearing cookies.”

“I’m not surprised,” she said.

A pink box was pulled out with her name on it. She looked inside and saw four heart-shaped sugar cookies frosted in white, pink and reds. “We are hand delivering some of the smaller boxes to a few of our tenants.”

“Not all?” she asked. It’d be a lot since the building was almost full. Or was at least under contract, that much she knew. But not all the spaces were completed yet.

“Goodness, no,” Carolyn said. “Too many people here. But there are plenty that we know personally, like you and Trent in this building. We’ll drop some at Zander’s office and then we’ve got more for Royce’s crew and the maintenance crew too.”

“That is very sweet of you,” she said. They always did go above and beyond for their employees and it seemed their tenants too.

“Do you have plans tonight?” Diane asked her. “With Trent?”

She figured that was what this visit was more about. “We do but not sure what. Eli will go to Jeff’s so we’ve got time to figure it out.”

“And does Eli know yet?” Carolyn asked.

She grinned and figured what the hell. Might as well tell them what was going on and how Eli found out. “So this week is the first date in Eli’s mind,” she said. “No reason to tell him otherwise.”

“No, no,” Diane said. “It doesn’t matter to him, but that’s great he knows and likes Trent. He might be a little matchmaker himself in the future.”

“Please,” she said. “Not another one.”

Her phone rang on her desk and she turned to get it. Both of the Fierce women left to deliver their goodies after that.

Now she just had all day to work up the courage to do what she wanted to tonight. It seemed the time to start enjoying life more and why not have it be with the man she was in love with?

* * *

“We’ve got cookies,”Diane said, opening the door to Trent’s office.

“Yummy,” Janine said. “And thank you.”

“Is Trent here?” Carolyn asked.

“He’s in with a client,” Janine said. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“No,” Diane said, leaning in closer. “We need to get the scoop on what is going on. We just left Roni’s office. She told us Eli is aware Trent and Roni are going on a date.”

“I didn’t know that,” Janine said. “Why didn’t I know that?”

Carolyn and Diane looked at each other and she said, “It seems to have just happened.” She filled Janine in on the conversation she’d had with Roni downstairs.