Page 114 of Fierce-Trent

“Is that such a bad thing if he does?” he asked.

“I just don’t want to start any problems,” she said. “I thought things were calming down for a bit, but maybe they aren’t.”

“If Jenna and Jeff are having issues, that is on them,” he said.

“I know that. But there has to be more to it. I can’t even tell Eli I know about what you two talked about or he’ll want to know how I know.”

He laughed. “I think that is the problem. You want to talk to him and now don’t want to throw anyone under the bus. Sometimes you’re just too nice. You shouldn’t always be.”

“I’ve been told that before,” she said. “I have to do what is right for Eli. I can talk to him more tomorrow and see if he brings up your name, which I’m almost positive he will.”

“And if he tells you what he told me?” he asked. “Then what?”

“Then I’ll deal with it.”

“He’s only trying to protect you as you protect him,” he said.

“I know that too,” she said. “I don’t like people planning my life out for me.”

“Or asking for help,” he said. “I get it. But I think you should talk to Jeff about what Eli has said. Sometimes protecting someone means you have to tick them off too.”

She let out a sigh. “So noted. But I’ll handle it the way I see fit. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Which told him that his attempt to help or protect her resulted in annoyance.

He knew he should stay out of it, but he couldn’t.

He loved her too much to and he wanted to get close and love her son just as much. If only she would let him in more.


Little Matchmaker

“So Eli was fine that I asked you on a date?” Trent asked her a week later.

“Yes,” she said. “He’s been asking me for days if you did.”

She found it funny but was glad in a way that her son brought it up so that she didn’t have to say Trent told her what Eli had said when she’d gone to the ladies' room in the pizza place.

Nope, her son had confessed it himself.

“I should have planned a better day than Valentine’s Day,” he said.

They were in her office right now. Eli was in school, but he’d be going to Jeff’s later. She’d given him her little gift for the holiday. The only person she’d been buying things for for years.

“It’s fine,” she said. “We don’t have to go out. You know that. I didn’t even tell Eli when we were going, just that you asked me out. He doesn’t need those details.”

Trent normally made a habit of coming in to see her in the morning when he was on his way to his office, or if he went straight to court, later on. A day didn’t go by that he wasn’t in here at least once.

The whole building at this point seemed to be aware they were dating. It surprised her that the Fierces hadn’t heard rumors about it prior, but it all worked out and now they were getting some peace and quiet over their relationship too.

Funny how it slid off her tongue so easily to say she was in one.

“Do you think he’ll say something to Jeff?” he asked.

“No clue,” she said. “I didn’t bring it up. I’m not going to. I’m not going to be that person that tells him to keep secrets from his father or to tell his father things for cause and effect. I don’t care if Jeff knows, but it’s not like I need to tell him either. He never told me of anyone he's dated for any reason other than to rub my face in it and we’ve got nothing that says he has to.”

They didn’t even have a verbal agreement that the other had to know if their son was being introduced to someone. It’d never been an issue for her.