Page 104 of Fierce-Trent

“Nope,” Chloe said. “But I’m not surprised by it. When are you all going to realize everyone is just yanking you along?”

“I guess so,” Diane said. “Are you doing it now or are you two a couple?”

Roni looked at Trent, then got on her toes and kissed him on the lips. Yeah, that wiped out any doubt.

“We are a couple,” Roni said.

“How long has this been going on?” Garrett asked, frowning.

“How long do you think?” Trent asked. “Is there a problem with it? I thought this is what you wanted all along.”

“It is,” Grant said.

Diane pinched his arm. “Shhh.”

“What?” Grant said. “They know. Looks like they’ve always known. Unless it’s new?”

“I don’t think it’s new,” Garrett said. “Come on now, give it up.”

Trent laughed and looked at Roni. She shrugged. “We’ve been dating since the middle of September.”

There was a loud laugh when that was said and Garrett turned to see his daughter Jade standing there. “You guys are getting sloppy in your old age.”

“No, we aren’t,” he said to Jade. “But we don’t see them as much. It’s easy for them to pull this off.”

“Three months to pull it off with your sources,” Brock said, standing next to his daughter. His son-in-law liked to bust their asses just as much as everyone else.

“Hey,” Grant said. “Everyone is busy.”

“Do your parents know?” Diane asked Trent.

“They found out last week,” Trent said. “If that makes you feel any better. They were sworn to secrecy too.”

“That’s something at least,” Carolyn said. “What about you, Raina? And, Megan?”

“We’ve known for a while. It’s fun to watch everyone spin their wheels.”

“Very funny,” Diane said. “You guys are all thanking us now though.”

“We are,” Megan said.

“You can let Janine know you’re aware now,” Trent said.

“When did she find out?” Carolyn asked.

Trent grinned. “I know she was doing your dirty work for you. I told her on Friday and then said if she said a word she was fired.”

“You didn’t tell me that,” Roni said to Trent.

“Because he doesn’t mean it,” Raina said.

“I can’t believe this has been going on and not once have we had a clue,” Garrett said, shaking his head.

“Now you get to go figure out what to do with my sister,” Royce said. “She’ll be here soon. I saw you putting your heads together with my father and Jim McCarthy. Barking up the wrong tree there with Gabe, but I don’t think you want to believe me.”

“I don’t think so,” Diane said.

“Those two don’t even like to be in the same room together,” Royce said.