Page 103 of Fierce-Trent

“The Fierces have to be going to the wedding tomorrow,” Trent said as they walked up the stairs to the party.

“They are,” she said. “I heard that too. But that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have this party.”

They got to the third floor where the big conference rooms were located and the space that the party moved around in.

Trent held the door for her and they’d said they were just going to act as if they were a couple going anywhere.

Which meant they’d be by each other most of the night.

It didn’t take more than two minutes for Diane to see her and come rushing over. She’d been talking to Megan and Raina. Cody, Jonah and Trent were there too, but they were a few steps away.

“Roni,” Diane said. “I’m so glad you could make it to the party this year.”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” she said. “There are a lot of people here too.”

“Not even half,” Diane said. “Some have stopped in and left already; others will be here after dinner reservations. And, Trent. So glad you are here too. I’m sure you two know each other.”

She wanted to laugh over that comment. This was where it got tricky. “Very well,” Trent said.

“Roni is a gem. Grant and Garrett say all the time what a great job she is doing in the building with all the tenants,” Diane said.

Before anyone could comment further, Roni’s name was called and she turned to see two other tenants coming up to her to talk. Diane got in the middle of that conversation, greeting or introducing people, then she was called away.

Roni turned back to the group she was with and they were all laughing.

“How did that happen?” she asked.

“I think she was going to try to push you two together,” Megan said, “and then was interrupted.”

“Come on, Trent,” Cody said. “You like being the center of attention. Just get it over with.”

Trent grinned and Roni wasn’t sure what that meant. “What am I missing?” she asked.

He reached his arm out and pulled her close to his side, his hand resting on her hip.

Yep, that should seal the deal if anyone was paying attention. At least he didn’t kiss her, which she suspected he would do if no one noticed in the next thirty minutes.

* * *

“Oh my God,”Carolyn said, slapping her husband’s arm. “What is wrong with you guys? Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Tell you what?” Garrett said, looking around and finding his wife looking at Roni and Trent. Them looking cozy too. “What the hell?”

“You didn’t know?” Diane asked.

“No,” he said and looked at his brother. “Did you?”

“Does it look like I knew?” Grant asked. “I thought you two women had an inside source. Janine hasn’t said a word to you?”

“No,” Diane said. “I was just over there talking to them about twenty minutes ago too. They were in the same group and I joked about knowing each other well. Or Trent said he knew Roni well, but I didn’t get what he was saying.”

“Let’s go find out what is going on,” Carolyn said. “I’m not standing here gawking at them.”

The four of them moved over quickly and the minute they stopped in front of Trent and his siblings, there was a round of laughter.

“You guys are slower than I thought you’d be,” Chloe said. “I made it over before you.”

“You didn’t know either?” Garrett asked one of his engineers.