Page 83 of Deal with the Devil

“She wasn’t kidnapped,” I confess the information weighing on me.

“Lachlan…” Griffin goes breathless. “How long have you known this?”

“A few weeks. Katya told me. I wasn’t sure what to make of that info. If it’s even important after all this time.”

“It blows the theory that someone off’d her and buried the body.”

That still might be the case, and I hate it. “If nothing else, I want my wife to know where her sister is.”

Griffin blows out a breath. “I couldn’t imagine not knowing where Siobhan is.”

Fuck, I feel the same about Shea. “Your sister and that husband of hers getting along?” It feels like forever when I showed up at her wedding and talked about Stasia with Ewan. She’d just gone missing. Man, how things have changed around here.

“Aye. She’s happy.” He sneaks me a look because after Norah died, Ewan told Kieran he could have Siobhan. Then she ran off for three years. Had to be dragged back to New York.

But that billionaire fought for her.

I cup Griffin’s shoulder because it all worked out. Kieran found his second chance with Isabella and is completely in love. My heart squeezes, seeing a light on the horizon that I, too, can open my heart like that.

“Let’s just drive to the armory,” I say, signaling I’m done talking about love and now need to concentrate on pain.

At the armory, I grab the loaded black ghost gun I need and shove it into my jacket.

Griffin’s phone buzzes, and he laughs. “Jesus, she’s good. Priscilla got them.”

“Both of them?”

His eyes move across his phone, reading her text. “Yeah, both of them. And that’s not a coincidence.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

Griffin throws his SUV in drive and heads toward our private warehouse. Once he’s on a straight road, he tosses me his phone.

My eyes bulge at the photo collage Priscilla sent. I get her on the phone. “Pris, what the fuck?”

“The young guy says he’s being trafficked by Zed,” she says.


“The older one.”

She and I share in our visceral disdain for sex crimes. Her being a victim, and my first premeditated kill being a child rapist.

“Separate them and work on the younger guy,” I tell her. “Keep Zed chained up.”

“I kind of stabbed him.”

“Kind of?”

“He took a swing at me.”

Despite her being on our hit team, I’m shocked and disgusted by any man who will raise his hand to a woman.

We get there and I strut inside. The moment Zed sees me, he kicks his legs, as if that will save him. “No. No, no, no. Notyou.”

“Aye,” I rasp and look over my shoulder at Priscilla in the glass interrogation room with the other guy. Fuck, it’s akid.

“You’ve been busy.” I take out my gun. “Any others?”