Page 75 of Deal with the Devil

I lean back and pivot my hips. It grinds the coarse coils of his neatly trimmed pubic hair against my clit. I run my hands through my hair and push my tiny boobs out.

“These tits drive me crazy.” His fingers capture my taut nipples.

I admit, I don’t look at them with disappointment anymore.

One hand grips my waist, grinding me down harder as the other teases my stomach with feathering touches.

I’m aware I just made him come, and he’ll go at me for a while. I want to be all he needs. Mob men cheat on their wives. Heck, mymamanwas Papa’s mistress. Guilt fills me that I’m a product of a selfish act. But deep in my gut, I don’t think Lachlan would do that to me. Unless I move away and give him permission. My heart hurts, thinking of us separated.

“Katya, you okay?” Lachlan’s dark eyes find mine.

“Uh, huh. It’s unbelievable.”

“You look lost in your head. Time to get you back in the game here.” He flips me over until I’m on my hands and knees. “Grab the headboard, little wife. I’m taking over.”



Ithoughtbeingsidelinedwould drive me nuts. I never imagined I’d want to spend the day in bed with a woman. One woman. Yet, my wife satisfies me like nothing else.

Without my brothers needing me to troll the streets at night, I hold Katya until dawn, often waking up with her mouth around my cock.

I worry I’m addicted to sex. Or maybe I’m just making up for the two and a half years I gave it up. Or could I be subconsciously getting my fill because she might leave me? Then what? If I stay married to her, I’ll never break my vow.

What if she insists on a divorce? Then what do I do?

I push away the covers to join her in the shower and pin her against the wall. I kiss my way down her body. “Open for me.”

Her legs part, and I lick her sweet cunt until she cries out my name. With her writhing from an orgasm, I shove my cock inside her. The feeling of her clenching around me has me spiraling in seconds.

I’m in fucking trouble.

I drive Katya to school, and without needing to go home and sleep, I say to her, “I’d like to stay and watch you dance today.”

“Really?” She goes rigid and twists her ponytail. “It’s just rehearsing, and it can be tedious standing around all day.”

“I’d like to see your dance routine for the audition.” Just as the words come out of my mouth, a crackle of doom fills the air around us.

She clutches that necklace I hate and stammers for a response. I reach out to stroke her hand gripping her gear bag, noticing her knuckles are white. “Katriane?”

Her eyes lift to me. “You haven’t called me that too much.”

“I’ll call you whatever you want me to call you.” Especially if it’syours. “Katya, you don’t want me to stick around?”

“It’s just a grueling day. We start by stretching for close to an hour. Then it’s the same routine over and over and over.”

“I stake people out, little wife.” I brush her hand. “I have incredible patience. And stamina.”

She chuckles darkly. “Yes, you do.”

I worry she doesn’t think she’s worth my time to sit around and do nothing but watch her. Support her. “What’s wrong, Katya?”

“Papa never once came to see any of my performances, let alone my rehearsals.”

Fucking Alexei never showed a personal interest in her dancing. Just paid the tuition bills, to the most expensive performing arts college, no less.

“I think we’ve established I’m nothing like your father. I’m parking and coming with you.” I take control of the situation and find a garage.