Page 28 of Deal with the Devil

“You live here?” I point. “In a house of glass? Off a public road?”

Lachlan chuckles darkly. “Little one, there are cameras everywhere and there’s a guards’ cottage hidden in the brush with a rotation of men who patrol the property. That glass? Bullet proof.” He brushes my sore cheek. “You are safe here.”

Just being with him, I feel safe. But it makes sense that this place is surrounded. He’s the O’Rourke Enforcer, a major target.

Griffin stops his SUV, and Lachlan pats his shoulder. “Thanks, brother.”

“I’ll help you unload the suitcases.”

“I got it. She’smywife.” He keeps saying ‘my wife.’ The words fall easily off his tongue.

Lachlan gets out and then comes to my side to open the door. After I gather all the layers of the heavy, beaded dress, he helps me out, and swaggers to the back of the SUV. His smooth movements feel natural, practiced, and rehearsed to show his confidence and strength.


I can rehearse for my conservatory audition now. Will Lachlan let me? I’ll wait to bring that up when I fully understand how this is going to work out between us.

The rear door pops open, and Lachlan smiles at me. “A lot of bags,” he comments wryly.

“I was supposed to move to Russia.” I hold my stomach, the horror I narrowly escaped settling in. “It’s all my stuff. If it’s too much—”

“It’s not too much,” he says, low and throaty. “I have plenty of room.”

All I see is one floor. A rustic bachelor pad. He’s one person, so I didn’t expect anything tremendous. “If you say so.”

“I say so.” He grins, taking bags out one at a time and stacking them on the gravel drive. “You’ll see.”

As if this is the most normal thing in the world, Griffin backs up and leaves us.

With several cases stacked and tucked under his arm, Lachlan boasts, “I’ll come back for the rest.” He brushes the small of my back and steers me up a set of slate steps.

“Do you spend a lot of time here?” I ask.

“Aye, why?”

“Seems so off the map compared to the rest of Astoria.” I glance down and marvel at the beautiful stone walkway.

We get to the front door, and Lachlan takes out a key from deep in his pocket. I’m figuring this is not a ‘smart home.’ I understand technology and how phones or anything computer-related can be hacked into.

Phone… I don’t have a phone anymore.

Lachlan opens the door and stares at me in my wedding dress. “Why not, right?” Laughing, he scoops me up with his free arm.

Giggling, I say, “We’re married.”

“We are.” He carries me inside, and everything glows from the sunset flooding the entire home.

The walls on the back of the house are all glass as well. It’s so unexpected.

“Are you hungry?” he asks, lowering me then puts down my luggage.

“A little.”

“Kitchen is here.” He points to a floating woodgrain island, rustic looking cabinets, and red retro appliances.

I wander to a window facing the back of the house, and my breath catches, seeing water far below us. “We’re on a mountain? I didn’t know Astoria had mountains?”

“We’re on a high elevation. I wouldn’t call it a mountain. There’s a small patio below. I sit out there and listen to the water.”