Page 53 of Deal with the Devil

Exhaling, knowing what lunch costs around here, I snag a few more. “Happy?”

“To take care of my wife? Ecstatic.”

“Me, too. Now that I know if I want water, I don’t have to sip from a dirty fountain.” I kiss his cheek, catching the corner of his mouth.

His warm wet lips slide over mine, and we sink into a passionate kiss. I want him to rest, and yet I’m charged up. I might miss a few steps and get hurt. I pull away, or I’ll never leave him.

His protectiveness borders on obsession, the way he’s so intense about everything. But I like it. I went from thinking no one cares about me, to feeling so precious to a man who married me out of vengeance, and now can’t stop kissing me.

At five p.m., I approach the main entrance’s double doors, and a hulking body dressed in black lurks inside.


“How did you get in here?” I lift my ID badge. “You have to key in.”

He grins.

“Did your brother, Balor, get you a fake badge?” I pop my hands on my hips.

He slides a keycard out of his pocket. “No comment. If something happens to you, I have to get in here.”

My heart jolts, thinking how protective he’d be if helovedme. I suspect the same passion he directs toward his job, he would show to me.

He lifts my bag and throws it over his shoulder. “This is heavy.”

“It’s all my dancing gear. I assume it’s okay to use your washing machine.”

He glares at me. “The cleaning lady will do your laundry.”

“I don’t mind doing the laundry.”

“Do you know how to use a washing machine?” he asks with humor.

“I can figure it out.”

“I’ll show you. And if you want to wash my clothes, too, I won’t argue. I admit, I go through a lot of shirts and pants from all the blood.”

“Good to know.”

He puts me in his double-parked SUV. A man yells that Lachlan’s been blocking him in. But when my husband turns to face the guy and snarls, he backs off.

“Asshole,” the guy snaps, walking back to his car.

Lachlan lunges, but I grab him. “No. Don’t. This is Manhattan. I know you, Papa, and the Italians don’t have the same influence here.”

“Wise. No, we don’t.” He strokes my braid. “And I have you with me. I have to consider that now. Although…” He takes out his gun and points it at the guy with a howling spit of laughter.

I watch from the rearview and giggle when the guy hits the ground. I open my window and shout, “Next time, don’t call my husband an asshole.”

“Good one.No onetells me what to do,” Lachlan says, getting into the driver’s seat and pulls away.

But bumper-to-bumper traffic locks our car in a middle lane as we come to a standstill. A tractor trailer tried to make a U-turn and tipped over. Cops are diverting cars to a side road, but it’s a slow go.

A muscle cramp hits me and without thinking, I shoot my leg forward onto the dashboard and stretch it. “Ack.”


“Cramp. Hamstring.”