Page 96 of Savage King

“That erection is for my wife. Now get off me before I toss you off.”

“Please…” Her arms wrap around my shoulders. “Isabella won’t care. It’s not like your marriage is real.”

I grip her wrists. “It’s very real. She took my name, sleeps in my bed, and I fuck her every chance I get.” I don’t know why I’m graphically defending my marriage to this rude woman, who’s hitting on her friend’s husband. “Now. Get off me.”

“Just one kiss, handsome,” she purrs at me, and I see red.

I roughly grab her face, smearing that overdone shiny lip gloss. She emits a sigh, thinking I’m actually going to kiss her. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? How dare you touch me? Do you have any idea what I can do to you? And not in the way that skank pussy of yours wants. My wife is the heir to your world. Who areyou? You think I’d lower myself to fuck a union boss’s daughter?”

“Um…” Words escape her.

“Isabella thinks you’re her friend. This will hurt my wife, and my marriage is real enough that’d I’d hurt someone for that. Man or woman. Now, get the fuck off me before I stand up, and you go flying over that banister. My brother will hack into the cameras and make it look like you jumped. Add drugs to your system when they perform the autopsy to make it look like a suicide.”

Ginna’s jaw drops. Without me even touching her, she bolts out of my lap to stand up, wobbling on six-inch heels. When the red clears from my vision, I see Isabella standing there, looking confused. Ginna adjusts her dress and stalks off. I don’t give a shit how she gets home. She’s not my responsibility.

“What happened?” Samantha asks, her purse clutched under an armpit.

“She said she’s not feeling well. Might be leaving.”

Samantha rolls her eyes. “I’ll make sure she gets a cab.”

Isabella and I lock eyes, and I don’t have to say a word. “We’re gonna get going, anyway, Sam.” Her voice is strong, but she looks hurt.

“Okay. I did have fun.” Samantha is sweet and genuine. She reaches out to shake my hand like a lady. “I hope we can do this again.”

I shake it back. “My brother will get you home.”

“I have the Uber app. We’re fine. Thanks.” She hugs Isabella, whispering something to her.

A wife will have secrets. I accept that. If she trusts me, then she’ll know what’s important enough to share with me.

“Another round?” A nervous-looking female server, wearing all black, sneaks up on us.

“No. Just the check.”

“It’s taken care of.”

“I don’t take handouts.” I yank my credit card from my wallet. “And I’m a big tipper.”

“Your brother gave a card to the bartender earlier.”

“Aye.” I drop two hundreds on the table anyway. “Thank you.”

With my hand on the small of Isabella’s back, I steer her to a far corner where there’s an elevator.

“Wanna tell me what happened?” she asks cautiously.

A man in my position might tell his wife to fuck-off and mind her own business. A man with my kind of power fucks mistresses or his wife’s best friends without a blink of an eye.

Isabella gives me everything I need. Sure, we have a long way to go before she can deal with the hardcore side of me. But I’m being patient with her. I will not fuck around on her. Or lie to her.

Plus…I like her. Enough to be honest with her so that she knows who’s in her corner and who isn’t. “In a nutshell, your friend sat on my lap and propositioned me.”

“Really?” The astonishment on her face sets me back.

“Find that hard to believe, do you?” I’m almost hurt that she doesn’t think her friend would want me. Do I really want to defend that?

“That Ginna would embarrass herself like that? Yes. She’s very full of herself.”