Page 81 of Blue Collar Babes

“That’swhat you choose to latch on to?” I laugh and roll my eyes.

“I’m trying to picture it, that’s all.”

“Oh, come on. I did 4-H and took riding lessons all through school.”

“I remember, Pony Girl,” he teases.

“God, not that nickname.”

“Go on though. I aired my dirty laundry, let’s hear yours.”

“Fine,” I huff. “The ranch I worked at after college had this amazingly fast horse and no one to ride him. Probably no surprise, I kept barrel racing in college for spare cash, so I figured - why not? Anyway, I made it to the PCB Circuit and we met at one of the events. Turned out he was from the same part of town, Sugarland to be exact. It was one of those whirlwind things. We were both so caught up in all of it. Living life. Having fun. We were at a championship event in Vegas. Luca and I both won the whole damn thing in our respective areas and we decided that getting married was the perfect way to celebrate.

It surprisingly still seemed like a good idea the next day. And the day after that. So, we went on like a newlywed couple. Doing all the things. I changed my name, yada yada. Life went on. I won a few championships of my own and then we realized that we actually made a huge mistake and that I wasn’t what Luca really wanted. So, we went separate ways. I kept his last name since my titles were tied to them. And now here we are.”

“Barrel Racing Champion. In the flesh. Hot damn.”

“Nothing else I said phased you?”

“Nope,” he shakes his head. “I promised, no judgment. I meant it. We’ve both got a past.”

Color me even more impressed. “We do. And they both came with souvenirs. You got a daughter and I’ve got a buckle or two,” I chuckle.

“Cheers to that,” Jake chuckles.

We both continue to eat and catch up, passing the time in the cool air, until Jake’s out of time.

“You sure you don’t want to crash at my place for a few days?” he asks again as he drives me back to my parents’ house.

“Jake, you’ve got a little girl at home. Even if you did have room for a friend to crash on your sofa, that's probably the last thing you need with a three year old. I wouldn’t want to make things weird for her.”

“Like you said, she’s three. It would be more weird for you to have to watch Cocomelon or Doc McStuffins 24/7 then it would be for her to have a new friend around. Besides, she’s got a sleepover with my parents and her cousins planned for the middle of the week. And she’s there whenever I’m at work. So, you’ll barely know she’s there. Eitherway, I promise, I’m trying to be a good friend. No pressure.”

“I appreciate the gesture. But, I’ll just tough it out where I’m at.”

“Your loss,” he jokes, pulling into the parking space beside my pick-up truck.

“Thanks for lunch.”

“My pleasure. We should do it again sometime,” Jake says, genuinely.

“I’d like that.”

“I’ll give you a call?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Jake nods and I take that as my cue to climb out of his work truck and make my way back inside to give my parents a call and pack a bag.



Me: I’m guessing the control board still hasn’t arrived?

Alex: No ::pouty face:: I’m not sure how much more of this I can handle. My parents checked in from their cruise and I made the mistake of telling them about the a/c. Now they’re calling me two times a day and driving me insane. They come home tomorrow and I’m sure it’s only going to get worse.

Me: I was afraid of that. The part not being there, I mean. I just got off the phone with them and they’re saying it may be another few weeks. They are offering to reimburse for two window units. It’s not much but see if I can find two that I can get for you and your parents.