Page 78 of Blue Collar Babes

Alexandrea Esposito dated one of my friends in high school.. The dude turned out to be the biggest douche on the planet. Alex and I stayed friendly after they broke upandI may or may not have had a secret crush. I felt like she was the one that got away and all that bullshit. All because I was too fucking chicken shit to tell her that I liked her more than a friend.

She was gorgeous back then. Now, she’s all grown up, of course, and about a hundred and ten times sexier.

Has it really been twenty years since I ran into her?

Last time we spoke, she was moving to…

“Wait, I thought you moved to Colorado?”

“Oh, I did. Finished college, moved to California and worked full time training and caring for horses. Came back home a few weeks back,” her voice trails off. “For uh…for my grandmother’s funeral.”

“Well, shit. I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. You two were super close if memory serves me right.”

Alex gives me a shy smile. “So, youdoremember me.”

“Yeah. I remember.” I’m ashamed to admit it but a warm blush creeps over me as an onslaught of memories hits me like a flood.

I remember every Goddamn night that I spent jerking off with my hand, fantasizing about her when we were teenagers. And how much I regret not telling her how I felt before she left for college.

“It took me a minute, you look different. I recognize you now though.”

“I should probably let you get to work. I’m sure the last thing you want to do is stand around in this proverbial hell playing catch up with an old friend. I’ll leave you to it.”

I can tell by the way her shoulders slump and she looks down at the ground that she’s putting up a wall and trying to make herself smaller. Something she started doing when her asshole high school ex would make her feel unseen.

It pissed me off then, and it still pisses me off now.

No woman should ever make herself smaller for any man.

“Alex,” I call her name before she can retreat.

When she looks at me, I can see a glimmer of something in her eyes. Hope maybe?

“I plan on taking my lunch after I finish here. How about you join me and we can catch up?"

Her face lights up and I feel like the luckiest bastard in the world right now.

"You mean it? You really want to?"

"Fuck yes, Alex. A thousand times, yes."

She cracks a smile that damn near takes my breath away and nods. "Okay. If you insist."

"As a matter of fact, I do. Now let me get your ac working so we can catch up."

Fifteen minutes a whole lot of cussing in my head, turns out that the Esposito’s damn near brand new unit is fucked.

Another thirty minutes on hold with the manufacturer and I've know got to tell her that she's really fucked.

And, so am I.

The control board on the ac is bad and the manufacturer has issued a safety recall, in the last twenty-four hours. The control board is on back-order thanks to the recall which means, Alex and her parents are going to be waiting awhile for some cool air.

Fuck my life.

Alex is sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter, biting at her nails when I walk back inside to deliver the news. Thankfully, she’s now covered up with a sundress so that I can at least focus a little better.

"How bad is it? I overheard bits and pieces," she sighs, and slides an ice cold bottle of water across the counter in my direction.