Page 75 of Blue Collar Babes

The words are a promise.

“Forever,” I repeat.

Forever. It’s just the start for us.

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Breanna Lynn is a self-proclaimed “Jane Austen-loving, romcom addicted, popcorn eating,

gummy bear-hoarding, binge-reading, caffeinated chaos coordinator.” A classy connoisseur of all things coffee, Breanna lives in Colorado with her two sets of twins (affectionately referred to as the Twinx), her boyfriend, and his son. When not attempting to keep the Twinx from taking over the world with their sidekicks—two dogs and three cats—she can be found reading, listening to music and crafting her next swoony romance.

For the latest news on Twinx shenanigans and swoony happily ever afters you can follow

Breanna on social media here.




Burning up, I sat up in my childhood bed and checked the time on my cell phone.

This was absolutely not the way I envisioned my Monday starting off. Especially when I was drenched in sweat and the sweat part had everything to do with a heat wave in Maryland combined with a broken air conditioner and absolutely nothing to do with an aerobic workout of any kind, if you catch my drift.

Then again, six weeks ago I didn’t think I’d be divorced and moving back in with my parentstemporarilyto spend more time with my favorite person in the world, Memaw.

Desperate for relief from the scorching temperature inside (and out), I called the first phone number that popped up online when I searched for after-hours air conditioning service, hoping thatsomeonecould fix the situation because I did not have time for this. Apparently, neither did, JC’s AC & Heating.

“I understand, Ma’am. This heat is causing a whole lot of trouble and I’m afraid you’re not the only one who is without cool air. I’ll put you down on the schedule for today, but I’ve got to warn you, I’ve already got four more service calls before I can get to your address,” the technician warned.

“I appreciate the warning. Is thereanythingat all that I can do or try on my end? A simple solution, perhaps?” I don’t know a damn thing about fixing air conditioners but I was willing to give it a shot if it meant I wouldn’t be stuck spending one minute more in the sweltering heat that had already encompassed my parents house in Ellicott City.

The man on the other end of the phone gave a gruff laugh. “The only thing you can really do that might help, is turning your fan onto the ‘on’ position, and shutting the actual ac ‘off’. That fan will keep air moving throughout your condo, but it won’t be cold air, unfortunately.”

“Damnit,” I cursed. “Well, okay. I can do that. And then I’ll just wait,” I added with a tiny pout, thankful that the man on the other end of the phone couldn’t see how childish I probably looked right now.

Clearly these extreme temperatures were making me crazy because I was pretty sure that I was about to throw an all out tantrum over something that wasn’t my fault. Or the repair guy’s for that matter.

I heard him mumble, “Good girl,” before he cursed too, and coughed, no doubt to try and cover up the faux pas that may or may not have sent my girlie bits tingling. “I, uh, I mean…great. I'll be out there as soon as I can. When I’m on the way, I’ll call you back. Is the number called from the best number to reach you?”

If it wasn’t already hot…I would be. Hot and bothered. And damn sure not from nature's heat wave.

“Yes. That’s the best number to reach me. Thanks. I really do appreciate you coming out.”

“Not a problem. Hopefully it won’t be too long before I get there.”

We both disconnected the call shortly after that and I immediately headed for a cold shower. Both to cool down from the weird effect some random guy seemed to have on me and to wash away the sweat that was already dripping from my skin.

Thank God that I had cold water.

Showered and only mildly more comfortable than I was before, I opt for the thinnest tank top and tiniest shorts I own to combat the heat.

Of course my parents had to be out of town, enjoying a well deserved and long overdue vacation but that meant that I would need to reschedule all of my clients for today so that I could be available whenever the repairman arrived. And since there was no way that I could call them, nor did I want to, I would be footing the bill for whatever today’s little repair would cost. It was probably the least I could do since I’d been crashing at their place ever since I got back to town and I still wasn’t sure where I was going from here.