Page 64 of Blue Collar Babes

He flips me the bird and I laugh.

“What did you hear?” I ask, drying my hands.

“It’s about Jade.”

Fuck. Was it the kiss? Had someone spotted her leaving the bathroom and me following shortly after? I hadn’t noticed anyone when I left, but that doesn’t mean much since the only thing on my mind had been Jade and that mind-blowing kiss.

“What about her?”

I mentally pat myself on the back for the level of nonchalance I give off as I start to stack paperwork on my desk.

“She broke up with Brian.”

The papers I’m holding scatter to the floor as I spin around to see Jagger’s face. If he’s fucking with me, I’ll kill him. Judging by the look on his face, it’s not a joke.

“How the fuck do you know that?”

He shrugs, but his facial expression questions why I’m even asking.

“Small town. People talk.”

“Funny. Because you never seem to be the subject of conversation.”

“I don’t give them anything to talk about.”

His phone beeps and he pulls it out to read the display.

“Got to go,” he says and heads for the door.


“Have to take care of something,” he answers vaguely.

“You going to be at the bar later?”

“Maybe. You going to stop avoiding Jade?”

I throw his answer back in his face.


He barks out a laugh.

“That’s a yes,” he says.

“Fuck you.”

“See you later, Shep.”

With a wave, he climbs into his truck and backs out of the bay door. The radio breaks the silence, Cody Johnson singing about taking a chance.

For four days and almost twenty-one hours, I’ve been waiting for the universe to send me a sign.

Message received. Loud and clear.

Time to go finish a conversation.