Page 41 of Blue Collar Babes

To a monster.

She looks at me with such hurt and hate. Her eyes say everything she’s been too afraid to: we will never be together.

So, I walk away.

And she doesn’t stop me.

I guess mountains do move.



It’s been five days since Ash walked out of the restaurant. Five days since I saw the destruction my words caused.

There hasn’t been a moment I haven’t thought about that night. Relived his pain. Regretted not running after him.

I was so caught up in my anger. Over Craig disrupting our date. The horrible things he was saying. Ash throwing the truth about our relationship at him.

The carefully controlled dam of emotions I’d constructed crumbled in an instant, leaving me lost to the fury I’ve wanted to unleash for years. It was only seconds that I spoke, the words hurtling out of me with such force, nothing could stop them. I had no time to think about what I was saying until it was too late.

Ash walked away before I could get my emotions under control. Before I could say none of it was meant for him. Before I could stop Craig from adding to his pain.

The image of his retreating back as my asshole ex continued taunting him will forever be burned in my mind. That I did nothing to stop him from leaving will haunt me.

I thought I wanted to push him away, but I was lying to myself. A life without Ash is pure misery.

A tear rolls down my cheek, and I wipe it away before anyone can see. Breaking down at work is the last thing I need. Craig has enough people talking about us. I refuse to add to it.

That bastard had the audacity to try to play the jilted husband card. Pouting and going on about his baby cousin chasing after the love of his life. He doesn’t love me. He wants to control me. Own me.

“Fuck him.”

“I’m all about swear therapy, boss lady, but that’s not how we get plants to grow.” Brielle slides up to the planting table and eases the pruning shears from my fingers. “Now may not be the best time for you to propagate either.”

More tears prick the backs of my eyes. I blink rapidly. Brielle whistles, and Margie’s head swivels our way. I can’t see the look that passes between them, but Margie heads toward us.

Great. They’ve noticed how unstable I am.

Margie pats my shoulder before asking, “Do you want to tell us what happened between you and Ash?”

“How do you—?”

“You two make goo-goo eyes at each other every time he’s in here.”

“Brielle,” Margie sighs.

“What? It’s true.” She shrugs and looks at me. “What happened to our better-looking version of Momoa?”

I want to laugh at how preposterous she can be, but tears break free instead. All the hurt I caused him at Taniyah’s and over the years punches through me.

“We went on a date at Taniyah’s.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad,” Margie says.

“Craig showed up.”

“Fucking douche-pickle. God, I hate him. What did he do now?”