“I didn’t get much chance to explore but I did research the area a little when I applied for the position,” I admit. “I’ve never lived in a small town.”
“I swore I’d leave. Started high school with plans to do that but I ended up with the auto shop and… Well, here I am. Still in Forever.”
“Is it your family’s?”
“The shop?”
I nod.
“Yeah. My grandpa started it and it’s been passed down since then.”
I want to return his question earlier about enjoying his work, but the doctor knocks and enters the room. He’s an older gentleman but when he was in here before, I thought he was one of the kindest doctors I’d ever encountered.
Good bedside manner.
“Well,” he says, his tone laden, as he shuts the door behind him. “An MRI is not advisable.”
Frowning, I straighten my back. “I’m sorry?”
“You have a high level of HCG in your urine and blood. I’m not sure if congratulations are in order, but at the very least, you are pregnant. MRI’s are safe in pregnancy, but we typically advise to not do them–”
His voice drowns out as those three words echo in my head.
You are pregnant.
My eyes dart to where Ben sits, and I realize he’s staring at me. But where my lips are parted in shock, his remain tightly closed.
“...we can continue with an X-ray of your shoulder and neck area. Your range of motion is good but sometimes things pop up after the adrenaline of the day wears down. If this had been a two-vehicle accident, I’d push for some sort of imaging, for sake of insurance, but as it is…I’d be comfortable forgoing it.”
“Okay,” I answer robotically, tearing my eyes from Ben and back to the doctor. I’m too shocked to keep my tight hold of myself and now, my hands grip the edge of the cot. “How…” I frown. “What are the next steps with pregnancy? I wasn’t… I’ve never been pregnant. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” God, that sounds so stupid.
“We can do a dating scan, if you’d like. When was your last menstrual cycle?”
When I give the date, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know I’m pregnant with Ben’s baby.
Ben’s baby.
I don’t even know Ben!
My heart starts to race uncomfortably and I have to bite my tongue to keep from crying. When the doctor leaves the room to get an ultrasound tech, I can no longer hold myself rigid.
Slouching my back, I bring my hands to my eyes even though I’m too frozen to cry.
I startle when a hand rests on my upper back.
“It’s okay,” Ben says softly. “Clearly not what you expected but it’ll be okay.”
I drop my hands. They slap against my thighs and I look up at him. No doubt, my eyes are wide and wild. “I can’t be pregnant, Ben. I don’t know you! Hell, you thought my name was Ellie until an hour ago,” I whisper the last sentence as if my words will travel in the small building.
The man doesn’t even have the audacity to look repulsed by the thought. Instead, he shrugs. “Looks like we have a lifetime to get to know each other.”
“This isn’t funny, Ben,” I scold between clenched teeth.
“Not laughing, Nellie. Just accepting the world changed. And you know something?”
When I don’t answer, he puts his hands on the sides of my face and tips my head back. His thumbs rub gently up and down over my cheeks. “My world changed three weeks ago. I walked out of that room and knew life wasn’t ever going to be the same. Then you show up today? And now this news? Yeah. Life is changing–”