One of the other guys, Joey, chuckles. “The only bar around.”
I look at all of them stuffed into my tiny office and smile. “You know what? I’ll go. I haven’t been out in a bit and it sounds like a good time.”
They all stand and smile. “Awesome!” “See ya Friday!” “Woohoo!”
Connor hangs back as the other guys leave.
“Something I can help you with, Connor?”
“Just want to get to know you.”
I look around, almost hoping grumpy Beckett will show up to save me.
“Why did you move here? Got a boyfriend?”
I turn and glare at Connor. “It’s really none of your business, and those are very inappropriate questions.”
“So I have a chance?”
“No. I have feelings for somebody else,despite him not seeing me… but you need to leave, please. I told you this is extremely inappropriate. We are co-workers, not friends.”
He stands up with a huff. “I was trying to be nice. Just a warning. You don’t stand a chance with Beckett.”
“Excuse me?”
“Beckett. You have no chance with him. He’s a closed up, cold asshole. Just figured I would warn you now before you fell for him. Save you the heartbreak.”
Shaking my head, I put my hands on my hip, really upset at this point. “Beckett is my boss. That is it. I think it’s time for you to leave.”
He storms out just as Beckett comes walking into my office.
“Everything okay?”
“Uh, yeah. Just talking with Connor. They all asked me to come out on Friday night.”
Beckett frowns. “Oh.”
He runs his hand through his hair. “Uh, if Connor is bothering you, just, uh, let me know.”
I smile up at him. “Will do, thanks.”
Beckett grins as he nods and walks out.
I think there’s more to Beckett than meets the eye…
I’m working on a customer car when I look around, seeing nobody else is working. I walk around and hear faint laughter coming from up front.
I storm over and clear my throat. My guy’s turn and scramble out of the room. Madilyn stands up as they all leave.
“This isn’t a social club. Stop distracting my guys. Youallhave work to do.”