Page 165 of Blue Collar Babes

I took the moment to regain my composure and get a glass of water.

“Fuck.” I muttered.

I was fucked. He was right. I was one touch from him away from begging for him.

And waiting for him to come back was agony. The responsible side of me was begging me to leave him a note and get the hell out of here.

But the rest of me? It was begging for some fun. To just let go. We’d done it once before.

What harm could another round do?

“A lot.” I muttered to myself.

I was just beginning to drown in the endless sea of all the disastrous ways this could go when I finally saw the two of them coming out of the kitchen.

“I’m headed out. I trust that you’ll lock up?” Anthony’s eyes were drilling into Nico, making me concerned about what the hell happened back there.

“Yes, Anthony. You don’t need to worry. Go home.” Nico made his way back over to the bar, standing right behind me.

Anthony seemed to hesitate but still left. Now it was just Nico and me.

“What did he say?”

“He told me not to fuck this up.”

“Wait, he knows?” my voice hit a pitch I didn’t know I had.

“No. He just thinks I’m flirting with you because you’re cute and doesn’t want me to do something to make you quit.”



“Wait was that his words or yours?”



Nico stepped forward and cupped his hand under my chin. “His. I have different words for you.”

“Like what?”

“Gorgeous. Sexy. Feisty. Smart. Delicious. Impossible to resist.” He met my lips with his before I could respond.

I met his urgency, his need. Both of us desperate for each other’s lips, touch, everything.

Nico tugged at my shirt, pulling it from under my pants, and slowly started unbuttoning it from the bottom. His knuckles dragged against my skin as he went, setting my skin on fire as my entire body ached for more.

When he got to the top button, he paused, reminding me of how it was accidentally unbuttoned not too long ago.

He pushed it from my shoulders and tossed it on top of the tap handles. He tugged his own shirt from his pants and damn near ripped it off. The moment it hit the taps, his hands were on my waist, lifting me on the bar, shockingly easily.

And there I was, face to face with Nico’s bare chest.

“One time, Nico. One time.” Even as the words left my mouth, I knew it wasn’t.

“I’ll take whatever you want to give me.”