Page 147 of Blue Collar Babes

His eyes track my movements as I drop my empty cup in the trash, my feet slowly inching me closer to him. “What do you want to talk about?”

I grab the whiskey from his hand, polishing it off as well before tossing it in with mine. “I don’t want to talk at all.”

“No?” His brow lifts as I climb onto his lap, his eyes searching mine, almost as if asking permission, before his hands grip my hips. “What do you want to do?”

I brush my fingers through his soft hair, leaning in until my lips are nearly touching his. “I want to be reckless.”



Two weeks later

Michael tosses the last of his personal items in a box, his eyes scanning the office one more time before landing on me. “You ready to meet your new team, Captain Pierce?”

“That depends. Do you think they’re ready?”

It isn’t always easy to transition into a new station. Especially one that’s as close and tight knit as this one. Michael has been their captain since they were all just starting out. He helped shape and mold them into the firefighters they are today. They trust him with their lives. But I’m nothing more than an outsider to them right now.

It’s another big reason why I was leery about taking the position. But I ignored my instincts and took a huge risk. All for a woman who didn’t even give me her last name. This may be the most impulsively and potentially idiotic thing I’ve ever done.

“Don’t worry, they’ll warm up to you.”

“That isn’t very reassuring.”

He chuckles. “All you really need to do is win over Lieutenant Travers. If she likes you, the rest will follow.”

That’s all? Sure. No big deal.

Michael told me all about Lieutenant Travers. She moved up faster than any of her peers and became the youngest lieutenant in the state. Sounds a lot like me, actually. Which means this station is her life. She takes her job very seriously—including ensuring the safety of her crew. I’ve butted heads with plenty of my captains over the years for that exact reason. Always thought I knew what was best. And that wasn’t always the case.

“Great,” I deadpan, scratching at my beard. “Anything you can tell me that might help me win her over?”

“Don’t underestimate her. She’s young but dedicated.” He pats me on the shoulder on his way out the door. “I’m going to put this in my car. Shift change starts in a few minutes, that will be a great time for you to meet everyone.”

I sit at my new desk and take a deep breath. The last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. I’ve barely had time to process everything. The morning after I met Bee, I called Michael and accepted the position. By the time I left that Sunday, I had an apartment lined up for my return. I moved everything in just yesterday, there are still boxes all over the place.

There’s a knock at the door, and my gaze lifts; my brain is uncertain if what I’m seeing is real.

“Hey, Captain Martin, I—” She freezes when she finally looks up from the piece of paper in her hands, her features bunching with confusion before spreading with shock. “Roman?”

My name passes through her full pink lips with a shallow breath, and a smile spreads across my face. “Hey there, honeybee.”

Bee watches me, her eyes unblinking as I stand and make my way over to her. This moment, seeing her again, is all I’ve thought about for the past few weeks. The possibility of her, of us, is what kept me pushing forward with this move. All the worries and doubts couldn’t compete with my drive to see her again. Every part of me is dying to touch her, to hold her, to taste her.

She shakes her head with disbelief, her lashes fluttering as I come to a stop in front of her. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I decided to take that job offer after all.”

By the time I woke up the next morning with Bee in my arms, my mind was made up. I felt more alive in those twelve hours we were together than I’d felt in a very long time. There was no way in hell I was simply going to walk away from that—walk away fromher.

“I—what? No. No, no. What are you doinghere?”

“Like I said…” I give into the temptation to touch her, my fingertips skating down her arm. “I took the job. I’m the new Fire Captain at this station.”

“Oh, god…This can’t be real. This can’t be happening right now.”

Ouch.That’s a blow to the ole ego.