Every time her fingers slip past my shirt and brush against my chest, I can feel my pulse speed up. And then her other hand is reaching up to grab hold of my own that hangs over her shoulder. Our fingers tangle together, and her head lies in the dip below my shoulder. Fuck, she smells good. Under the smell of the bar, that sweet scent of her perfume permeates the air. Like a fucking cupcake.
“You know…” Her head rolls back, and she looks up at me. “I’m starting to think there’s not gonna be anyone for me after Henry.”
Henry is her husband. He died right after Olivia was born. I remember the morning Georgia called me, crying and panicking. He just went to sleep and never woke up. Doctors said it was an aneurism that happened in the middle of the night, so quickly that he wouldn’t have felt a thing. I’m pretty sure I stayed at her house, taking shifts with her parents to help with Olivia and Georgia’s grief.
“Why in the world would you say that?” Georgia is beautiful. Green eyes, rich brown hair, and freckles all over her body. And don’t get me started on her body. Christ, this woman has more peaks and valleys than the Rockies.
“No one ever wants to be with a single mom.” She shrugs. “Single dads are a hot commodity. Women love watching a man take care of his kids. It’s like catnip. But when it comes to us single moms? Not so much. Most of the time, we’re unshowered and wearing leggings with a T-shirt from the night before that still has a spaghetti stain on it.”
“I tend to like you unshowered with spaghetti stains.” She laughs as I squeeze her shoulder.
“That’s very nice of you,” she teases. “But it’s been a year since I’ve had sex with anyone, and I’m afraid I’m going to start drying up down there.”
I choke on my own spit.
“Sorry.” She laughs and pulls away and starts digging for her keys as we approach her house. “I just really, really miss sex.”
My still slightly inebriated brain is going into overdrive. It’s not that we’ve ever shied away from talking about sex. Hell, we’ve gone into detail with each other about partners and their skills or lack thereof. We arebest friends. So we talk about everything with each other.
But tonight, looking at her in those jeans that hug her curves and the shirt that dips so low her bra keeps peeking out… I can’t think worth a damn. My dick is twitching, and my heart is pounding. Why have I never thought of her like this before? Why have I never even considered…?
“Do you just wanna stay over tonight?” she asks, completely oblivious to my train of thought. She grabs her keys and looks up at me. “Hello? Earth to Gray?”
I realize I’m staring at her.
“Uh, what?”
“Do you just want to stay here tonight?” Her eyebrow raises. “Just crash on the couch and get your truck tomorrow. You can have breakfast with me and Liv.”
“Georgia.” I walk toward her slowly. She looks confused and backs up to her front door as I close in. I didn’t realize how much I wanted this, but she looks good enough to eat, and I very much intend to get my fill. “Maybe you could let me help.”
“With breakfast?” She’s confused, but her voice is breathy, and her eyes can’t decide where to land. They look me up and down until she licks her lips and decides to be bold, looking me straight in the eyes.
“No, sunshine.”
Slowly so I don’t startle her away, I bring my hands to her face, cupping her cheeks gently. I can feel her damn heartbeat pounding against the side of her throat as she swallows. Leaning in, I watch for any signs that she doesn’t want this, that she doesn’t want me to kiss her right now on her little front porch in the middle of the night.
But she doesn’t give me one. Her eyes dip to my mouth, and her fingers hook through my belt loops. Fuck. Yes.
I close the distance between us, stepping closer to her body as our lips touch. It’s gentle at first, testing and tasting each other for the first time. My hand slips into her hair while the other holds tight to her jaw as she opens up for me. Our tongues tangle together, and the sweetest sigh escapes her.
“I don’t know if this is a good idea.” She pulls away just enough to get her words out.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” I’m just as breathless as she is, but my whole body and mind are in this. My best friend. My Georgia Grace. My sunshine. “Just let me take care of you. Maybe be selfish for a night?”
“And you? What about you?”
“You don’t think I’m being selfish, sunshine?” I smirk and kiss the tip of her nose.
“One night,” she tells me, resting a flat palm against my chest to keep me from diving in again.
“Maybe.” I shrug and give her a grin.
“Gray,” she warns. “One night. We help each other out. And we go back to being best friends in the morning.”
“How about we just focus on tonight.” Because I don’t want to think about what happens in the morning. This feels too right, too good, to let go of.
She laughs and untangles herself from me. I watch her turn around and fumble to get the key in the lock. My hands can’t stay off her body, running through her hair and then down the swell of her hips before grabbing two very nice handfuls of ass.