Page 136 of Blue Collar Babes

Jennilynn is a sassy Southern belle who lives a real-life friends-to-lovers trope with her blue-eyed British husband. When not writing, she’s nestled in her favorite reading spot, e-reader in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, enjoying the latest romance novel.

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Oh, that was hard to watch.

My poor best friend was dancing with the pretty new girl in town, teaching her how to do all the steps and turns. It seemed like she was enjoying herself, too, laughing and chatting away. Not that it’s hard to enjoy your time with Gray. He’s a good guy and is funny as hell.

People tend to take advantage of that. He’s been through more heartache than anyone should have to experience in his lifetime. Too many women are attracted to his good looks and strong body that he’s honed over the years from working on his family’s farm. Then they get tired of how nice he is, wanting someone that is going to fight with them over stupid shit and get involved with their drama.

But that’s just not Gray. He’s stable, loving, and empathetic. He’s there when you need him, and he’s handy as hell. He’s always fixing stuff around the house for me and my daughter. Speaking of, the bathroom faucet in her room has been dripping incessantly lately. I’m going to need him to fix that…

Rhett Black, one of the grumpiest motherfuckers I’ve ever met in my life, finally ends the conversation and tugs the new girl away from Gray, yanking her outside like she’s his property or something. Never seen that before. But that girl looks ecstatic, so I guess we’re gonna let whatever is happening there happen.

I move my eyes back to where Gray is standing off to the side of the dance floor, looking a little annoyed but mostly resigned. He isn’t the biggest fan of Rhett. Hell, none of us are. We know he’s a good guy deep down, but like I said, he’s grumpy as hell and communicates mostly in grunts.

Not the best way to win people over.

“Ouch,” I say as Gray walks back to the bar and takes his seat next to me. “Guess he’s pissed all over that one. Best keep your hands to yourself.”

“You’re annoying. Anyone ever told you that?”

I snort.

“You. Every day.” I spin around on my barstool and squeeze his bicep. “I’m sorry,” I tell him, trying to be more serious. “I know you thought she was cute.”

He shrugs and lifts his hand to get the bartender’s attention.

“It’s fine.” He leans over and bumps my shoulder. “I’ve got you.”

“Exactly. And I’m the best dancer there is.”

He laughs out loud, throwing his head back as his whole face transforms. The sides of his eyes crinkle, and his dimples pop. Lord, how he hasn’t been snapped up yet is a damn crime.

“You dance worse than Elaine does,” he says as he finally comes back to earth. He’s referring to Elaine from an old 90’s show calledSeinfeld, who dances like she’s having a seizure instead of a good time. And for the record, I do not dancethatbadly. I’m just a little uncoordinated.

“Another beer?” River asks, walking down to our side of the bar. She’s had a busy night, and she looks like she’s about to fall over. I wonder if Bill needs to hire some more help for the weekends.

“And two shots of tequila.” I wag my eyebrows at her, making her laugh.

“I am not doing a shot.” Gray looks very serious when he says this, but he never turns down tequila once it’s in front of him. “It makes me loopy.”

This is true. Gray practically turns into a sorority girl once it hits his system, making him endlessly more fun and giving me a great night. And since I only get so many nights without my kid, I make sure I have the best time I can each time. Which is why when River puts the shots down in front of us, I thank her and nudge one toward him.

“Please?” I use my best puppy dog eyes. And I know I have good ones because they’re the only feature I like about myself. Where my hair is just plain old brown, and my body is most certainly a mom bod now, my eyes are a vibrant mixture of green and gold.

“You are so lucky I love you,” he says, rolling his eyes and biting back a smile. “To your one night out this month.”

I hold my own shot out and clink it against his before throwing it back and trying not to breathe fire after. That shit burns on the way down. His eyes squint, and his face contorts as he sticks his tongue out.