Page 106 of Blue Collar Babes

“What if I didn’t want to make up with you?”

“I’d try harder.” I grip the edge of the second plate of eggs, and he uses it to pull me closer to him. The glimmer in his eyes holds me captive. “It’s what I do, Elise. That’s who I am.”

“I’m going to make you take a million selfies with me. And I’m going to take a picture of my food in every restaurant. Drinks, too.”

“Do you honestly think I didn’t already know you’d be a pain in the ass to travel with?”

Thunder rattles the window over the sink. I swear I can feel it vibrate through the floor. “But you wanted to do it, anyway?”

“I don’t need you to be perfect. I just want you to be mine.” Angus galumphs in between our legs, nearly knocking us down in the process. “I’m sorry,ours, apparently.”

We kiss over the plate in our hands. Angus drools at our feet. And the lights flicker above us as the power comes back on.




Tears blur my vision as my fingers race over the screen of my cell phone. Fucking Arron. I knew he was a piece of shit. Knew I should have never gotten involved with someone like him. But I didn’t listen to my head. Didn’t listen to my friends. Now I’m homeless and jobless.

“Quinn?” A soft voice saying my name has my head snapping up to find my best friend, Karissa. Her face is full of pity, eyes sad as she takes a seat opposite me.

“Hey.” My voice sounds weak, defeated. Dropping my cell, I look at her with watery eyes.

Leaning over, she takes my hand in hers. “I’m sorry. No one deserves what he did to you.”

I huff a laugh. “He kicked me out of my home, Ris, and moved his sidepiece in. His father fired me. I have no job and I had to move back in with my parents.”

Releasing me, she leans back in her chair. “Let me grab a coffee, then you can tell me everything. I may not be able to help with the living situation but a job on the other hand…” She trails off, waggling her brows.

Despite the mood I am in, I can’t help but chuckle. “Can I get a chai tea latte? Pleeeease” I move my hands into a praying position.

Karissa laughs. Standing, she makes her way over to the counter to order our drinks. Grabbing my cell, I read over Arron’s latest message before blocking him. Narcissistic asshole. My self-esteem is not low enough that I would ever believe this whole cluster fuck is my fault. He can try and convince himself of that. But he will never convince me. I’m not perfect but I know that everything that has happened is down to him.

“There you go,” Karissa says breaking me from my thoughts. She slides the mug onto the table before dropping down in her seat. Taking a sip, she looks at me. “So, about that job?”

“Go on. I’m not above doing anything at this point, Ris. I need to get out of my parents’. They are driving me mad, and it’s only been a couple of days.” I widen my eyes trying to get my point across.

She sighs. “Davis needs someone to help out with paperwork. He is so busy on site, building shit, he doesn’t have the time anymore to do the admin. I know it’s not graphic design but it’s something.” Her voice is hopeful.

“You mean Davis as in your brother?” I ask. I’ve only met him a couple times and every interaction he came across as a grumpy douche. Being twelve years older than Karissa, he was never around when I met her at sixteen.

“One and the same. We had dinner with my parents the other night. He was moaning about how busy he is with the manual side of things. Dad suggested getting help. He is desperate. You are desperate. It’s a win-win.” She grins.

Rubbing my temples, I try to come up with any and every reason not to take her up on this offer. I find none. Karissa is right. I am desperate.

With that realization, I say, “When can I start?”



Striding across the building site, my gaze lands on Quinn. My sister’s best friend and my new administrative assistant. She has only been with me a month, but she is fast becoming a pain in my ass. With her smart mouth, gorgeous face, quick wit, and all-around annoying personality, I am starting to wish I’d have never hired her. Karissa, my sister, begged me to hire her. Asked me to help her friend in need out. I did. But only because I desperately needed help with my out-of-control paperwork—a job I hated doing. Invoices. Payroll. All things that need doing on the regular, but stuff I would leave to the last minute.

Sighing, I scrub a palm down my face as I make my way toward her. Her head snaps up when she sees me, a bright smile curving her lips as she greets me with a, “Good morning Mr. Pritchard.”

I nod. “Ms. Donnelly. What are you doing here?” It’s not like I have an office, but she usually works out of the small den at my house. It’s weird to see her on site.