Page 46 of Blue Collar Babes

He stomps again and puffs out his chest. “I’ve never done anything illegal.”

“Really?” she asks calmly. “How did you get that paper in your hand?”

His eyes go from her to the paper and back again. “I’m the mayor. I can ask to see anything about the town and people who live here.”

“Not quite how it works, but thanks for admitting it on my cameras.” She points behind her. “Now leave.” He starts to say something, but River cuts him off. “Don’t make me call the police. You’re in enough trouble already.”

Crumpling up the paper, he throws it at her before slithering back toward his car. Before he gets in, he yells, “This isn’t over. I told you you’ll always be mine. Changing your name doesn’t change that.”

I’m about to step in, having had enough of his shit, but River places a hand on my chest, telling me she doesn’t need me to be her hero.

“I was never yours in the first place. There’s one last truth I’ve been waiting to tell Ash. I got engaged to you because I thought I was pregnant. I married you because your father threatened me. It was never about love. I was only there because of fear. You never owned me or my heart. My heart has always been his.”

She turns to me and smiles. “You can’t steal something that never belonged to you. You can try, but it always finds its way home.”

I don’t need to stick up for River, but there is something I need to say to Craig. I take a few steps in his direction, and his eyes darken. He prepares for a fight I won’t give him. This is closure.

“I want you to know something, older cousin. I’m going to marry her someday. And when I do, I’m going to erase every bad memory of you. Every bad word. Every insecurity. I’m going to make her happy. She will know love and kindness. She will know she is the greatest gift I’ve ever been given. So, thank you for being who you are.”

“Yeah. Suck it, evil cousin.”

For once, Margie doesn’t sigh at Brielle. Instead, she high-fives her. “Time for you to go, douche-pickle. You’ve wasted enough of our time.”

I burst into laughter hearing those words come from Margie. River and Brielle laugh too. Craig peels away from the shop, and we embrace in a group hug. After a minute, we let go and get back to work, showing Craig how insignificant he is.

“Thank you for saving that secret for last.”

“If only I had told you the truth years ago.”

I brush off her comment with a wave of my hand. “Fuck ‘if only.’”

“Hell yeah, better Momoa brother.”

On a chuckle, I look at Brielle. “You do know I’m not related to Jason Momoa, right?”

“Don’t be a dream killer. That’s not very Momoa-ish of you.”

My hands up, I back away.

River wraps her arms around my waist and puts her head on my chest. “You want to marry me, huh?”

I place a kiss on top of her head, smiling into her hair. “Are you asking me to propose to you, River Osbourne?” She giggles and snuggles into me more. “If you are, then maybe you should propose to me.”

She steps back, confusion in her amber eyes.

“Guys don’t hold all the power in proposals. You are my future. How we get there is up to us.”

Sniffles sound from behind us. I ignore them while what I said sinks in. She had a man steal her power and her voice. I will never do that. I’ll help her become everything she wants to be.

“I will marry you one day, Ash Coolidge.”

With a kiss, we seal the deal to let this play out. Though, I’m going to be the one to propose first. Hell, I bought the ring while she was still married.

It’s the last secret I have to tell her.