Page 4 of Blue Collar Babes

“Ya gotta AC unit in Ms. Wilson’s class. It’s on the fritz. You’d think with the money this place is bringing in they could afford a new unit. She’s been having trouble with it since last school year. Maybe you’ll be able to finagle it for the next few months while I convince the board to shell out some more dough.” He pats me on the shoulder and walks out, and I load up my cart with the items I think I’ll need to start on the project before sliding the school map out of my pocket. How doesn’t this place have an online map?

Ms. Wilson is a fourth grade teacher, I learn. I’m hoping she isn’t the kind that likes to talk. If I look into her class and don’t see any of the kids, I’m coming back later. I don’t need them at recess and Ms. Wilson trying to talk my ear off while I work. I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to reintegrate into society.

Fucking hell.

What has my life turned into?

I used to have a good fucking job. Cyber security. A position I felt was my calling. I was so damn good at it, too. And it felt like I was helping people.

Now I’m a goddamn janitor at a school for preppy socialities.

Talk about a downfall.

After peering in and seeing a bunch of little kids swarming about in the classroom, it seems safe, so I knock on the wooden door and let myself in.

“Janitor Sam,” I announce myself just as Ms. Wilson—I assume because she’s the only other adult in the room—looks at me. I’m not an oblivious man. I know when a woman is thinking shit she shouldn’t think, and Ms. Wilson already has hearts in her eyes as she stands and crosses the room, heading toward me.

“Kids, work on your buddy projects. Give Ms. Wilson a few minutes, okay?”

No one acknowledges her.

God, I cannot stand when people talk about themselves in third person.

Reminds me of a frat guy I used to know—one that was drunk about 90% of the time.

Ms. Wilson saunters over, and bysaunters over, I mean…seriously. She is sauntering toward me with a look in her eyes I’d recognize anywhere: desire. I haven’t been making rounds since I’ve been out of jail, but prior to, I could pull any woman I wanted—and easily. Not that I did, not often. I preferred a deep conversation over a quick fuck—still do—but every now and then I scratched the itch from that animalistic side of me.

But that was before.

Before lock up.

Before I fucked myself over.

I look down at my name badge with the word janitor embroidered underneath and sigh.

What a fucking waste.

By the time I look back up, Ms. Wilson is done sauntering and has broken out into an all-out sashay. In her defense, the room is big. She’s had a decent amount of ground to cover.

“Well hello, Sam,” she purrs. The only silver lining I can come up with here is that she’s used my first name. Point for Ms. Wilson. “I’ve heard all about our new janitor.” She raises her eyebrows before blinking rapidly a few times.There goes your point, Ms. Wilson.

“Hello there, Ms. Wilson,” I say, putting on my bestI’m not an ex-con, just a friendly janitorvoice. “Just came to fix your air conditioning unit. Boss said it’s on the fritz again, apparently this is a recurring issue for you. I won’t get in your way, I’ll just be in the back here working on the unit. Please, go about your day like I’m not here.” I give her a smile and go to turn toward the unit but suddenly feel cold fingers grip my bicep.

“Sam, we’re all so glad to have you here this year.” She makes no move to hide her bold move of checking me out, scanning my body up and down with twinkling dark eyes that are full of mischief. “Especially me.”

“Certainly glad to be here,” I say, once again turning around. I roll my cart over to the unit and begin to work but she’s in my space again.

This is so wrong of me to think, but honestly…

She’s like a fucking flea that won’t go away. Jumping around and getting in my fucking way no matter how hard I try to avoid her. Doesn’t she have a job to do? Why can’t she let me do mine?

I mean, it’s not that she isn’t a beautiful woman.

She is.

She’s all legs with a skirt that looks like it costs half my damn salary. Her long dark locks are curled and styled to perfection, and she looks like she takes damn good care of herself and her body.

But I’m just not interested.