Page 31 of Blue Collar Babes

“Awe, princess, don’t you worry about me. I got my shit together. Was released from prison two years early, readied myself for a life as a trucker, and got a surprise inheritance from my grandparents when they died, investing in this beauty and a nice little place on the Florida coast…I’d always wanted a place there.” I do smile, then.

“Well, I’m glad something good came out of it.” Sliding onto my knees beside his seat, I lay my head on his powerful thigh and stare up at him.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” Lust fills his eyes as his free hand brushes quickly through my hair before it’s needed back on the shifter.

“I got to meetyou.” I’m breathless with anticipation for the future, and all the things being his baby girl will bring.



After stopping for a late lunch at some burger and shake place along the way, we picked up the scheduled load of produce heading for Jacksonville, and the closer we get to the city, the more nervous Matilda becomes. I want to relax her, but she’s got all this pent-up energy thanks to the messages her parents have been sending her since last night.

They range from love and concern from her father to hateful and everywhere in between from her mother. The hate coming from her mother makes me want to give the bitch a piece of my mind, but Matilda is too damn sweet and won’t allow me to respond.

Hoping to distract her, I decide to flip the twenty questions over to her since I’ve been answering them all day. “So, do I finally get to know why you were broken down wearing that skimpy bikini last night?” Christ, was it only last night? I feel like I’ve had this girl in my truck for months.

Her face lights up at my question, and I realize it’s the only one I’ve asked about her, and I want to kick my own ass. “Well, I’m a model. My mom was my manager and agent for, well, basically everything in California, and I hated it; it’s why I moved in with my dad. I’ve always wanted to branch out on my own but never got the chance…until now.”

“A model?” I can see it. She’s gorgeous.

“Yeah, my mom got me into it when I was ten, and it blossomed from there. But recently, she wanted me to transition into doing nude shoots, and I couldn’t stand it.” A blush stains her cheeks as she glances at me. “I realize I was nearly naked yesterday, but the important things were covered. I’m just uncomfortable sharing that part of myself with the public.” Her hands twist, and I reach over, bringing one to my mouth to kiss the inside of her wrist.

“You shouldn’t be forced to do anything you don’t want to, baby girl.” Her entire body slackens as she continues.

“Right. Well, after I told my dad—who’s really not that bad of a guy—what she was trying to do, he bought me a plane ticket, had a lawyer and the sheriff show up, and I was escorted to the airport an hour later.”

“Your mother must have been pissed.” I can almost imagine the fit the woman would have thrown based on the messages she’s been sending.

“She was. She made all kinds of threats, but thankfully, my dad is the one in control of my finances, and he hired a guy years ago to make sure my mom couldn’t take more than her fifteen percent. So I have a nice nest egg to hold onto until I find my way in the world.” There’s a tinge of sadness to her tone.

“What’s that for?” I ask, gesturing to her frown.

She shrugs a shoulder. “I just wish my mom would love me for me and not the money I’ve made for her.” In this moment, curled up on the seat, my oversized shirt engulfing her tiny frame, I see the little girl who desperately craves her mother’s approval.

“Princess,” I growl, dragging her over to sit in my lap. Unconcerned that I’m driving, I hold her close. “I’m sure she does, but maybe she got lost along the way.” I fucking hope that’s the case because I’d hate to have to be the one to put my foot down and tell the jaded bitch to stop contacting her only child.

“Maybe,” she mumbles into my throat, her breath tickling the hair on my chest.

“Daddy?” I groan at the sound of her voice; I recognize that tone. She needs my dick.

“Yeah, baby girl?” I’m already pulling into the next rest stop. We’ve got less than an hour of driving left.

Curling a hand around the back of my neck, she lifts up to breathe into my ear, “Will you fuck your cum into me, please?”

Fuckin’ hell.

In a flash, she pulls up her tiny skirt and unbuckles my jeans. “Since you asked so nicely.” I kiss the top of her head as I get my rig into park and shut down. I barely have enough time to let the seat shift back before she climbs on my swollen cock.

Watching her slide down the beast, her sweet little honey pot flowing with her desire is nearly more than I can take.

“Daddy?” she moans as I fill her up unhurriedly.

“Matilda,” I hiss when she squeezes my dick with her slick pussy. “What do you need, sweetheart?”

“Will you put a baby in me?” Her wide, innocent eyes stare up at me, and my heart almost seizes in my chest.

“What?” I croak.