Page 176 of Blue Collar Babes

Connor huffs and sits down next to me. “How long has this been going on?”

“Connor. I had no idea, man.”

“Yeah. Sure.”

The other guys try to cheer him up. “Come on, dude. He didn’t know.” “Yeah, bro. It’s not like he’s bangin’ her in the garage or shit.” “You’re too good for her anyway, bud.”

I stand up in front of the guys. “Alright, that’s enough. A woman can say no without being dragged like that. Nobody is too good for anybody.”

Connor snorts. “Easy for you to say. You’re the one she wants.”

“Look. I had no idea. I’m a jerk to her. You said it yourself.”

“Guess good guys always come in last.”

I grab his beer and push it away. “We’re done here. That’s bullshit and you know it.”

Connor stands up and shoves me. “So you want her now? What? Just to shove it in my face?”

The other guys stand on either side of us.

“Connor, time to go home.” I turn to Joey. “Take him home, now.”

“Got it, boss.”

Connor turns to me. “I hope she fuckin’ breaks your heart like your whore of an ex.”

“Go home.”

Shaking my head, I sit back down and order another beer. Madilyn comes over and takes a seat.

“Connor okay?”

“He’s just had a little too much to drink, that’s all.”

She nods, peeling the label off her beer bottle. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“I briefly heard parts of your conversation. Connor just… isn’t my type.”

I mumble. “Yeah. No problem.”

Madilyn sighs, getting up from the bar and walking over to the dance floor. Joey takes her seat and shakes his head.

“Man, that was your opportunity. She was layin’ it up perfect for you.”

“She’s my employee.”

He pats my back and laughs. “Live a little, boss man. Take a walk on Madilyn’s wild side.”

He walks away laughing as I turn to watch her dancing with some other guy.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should take a chance…