Page 164 of Blue Collar Babes

“It means that I need to be responsible. I need to focus on myself. I need to get the past out of my head.”

He sighed. “And I’m part of that past, aren’t I?”

“Yeah.” It was painful to admit. “At least you were supposed to be.”

“And now?”

“Coincidence? I—I don’t know. I just know that this isn’t…” I trailed off. This wasn’t what?

Nico took a step towards me. “I’m not asking you to define anything or put labels on this.”

“No, you’re just asking for sex.”

“And what is so wrong with that? There’s a connection here and you and I both know there’s no use in acting like that was the most incredible sex.”

“That’s no reason to hop in bed and fuck again.”

Nico’s eyebrows shifted up at the wordfuck.

“Alright. Deny this.” Nico pressed against me, and I felt his cock hardening. “But you and I both know that this will happen. Maybe not tonight but you and I aren’t done. We haven’t even gotten started yet.”

“And what has you convinced that I’m just suddenly going to come up to you, just begging for you to fuck me. Beg you for that huge c— “.

“How’s it going?” Anthony’s voice came from across the dining room, startling us both.

Nico jumped back and cleared his throat but initially, he kept his eyes on me. “Good, we were just finishing up.”


I finally composed myself and turned around to see Anthony shifting his gaze between us.

“Nico, you want to bring me your drawer?”

“Um, yeah. I’ll meet you back there.”

We were all in a stalemate before Anthony finally caved. “Alright.”

The moment his back turned, Nico was pressed against my back, lowering his voice to my ear.

“You want to finish what you were just about to say?”

I fought the way his warm breath made my breath catch and how my knees buckled from how deep his tone was.

“What?” I asked, barely regaining my composure, and turning around to face him—which was a mistake. Now, our faces were mere inches apart.

“What you were saying about my,” He paused, looking down.

I rolled my eyes. “I was not—”

“Oh, you were. You were about to call my dick huge.”

“You are crass.”

“You started it. Besides, it’s not like I can ignore a compliment like that, even if you were being sarcastic.”

I attempted to roll my eyes again but stopped midway. “Fine. I admit it. I was incredibly impressed.”

Nico smirked, pulled away to grab the money drawer. He slipped past me only looking back once before he disappeared into the kitchen.