Page 141 of Blue Collar Babes

“Thought that’s what you did last night.”

My jaw drops for a second at her crass comment before I belly laugh out loud. This fucking woman.

“It is indeed. Now, let me make some pancakes.”

“And coffee, maybe?”

“Two sugars and heavy on the milk, coming right up.”

* * *

Not long after I finish breakfast, Georgia’s mom knocks on the door. I start to go get it, but Georgia’s feet come running down the stairs. I get a glimpse of her in some spandex shorts that set my blood on fire before she swings the door open. Olivia jumps into her arms and gives her a hug, but when her eyes land on me in the kitchen, she squeals and fights to get out of Georgia’s arms.

“Gray is here!”

I open my arms wide, and she runs right into them, hugging me with all her might like only kids can do. I’ve loved this kid since I first met her as a newborn four years ago. And I was here a lot after Henry died, helping change diapers and clean the house while Georgia slept and tried to deal with her grief.

“Hey, best friend.” I pinch her nose and then set her down at the table. “I have blueberry pancakes, a ton of bacon,andI made you chocolate milk.”

She digs in immediately after I set the breakfast in front of her, a mumbled “thank you” barely making it past a mouthful. I watch her with a smile on my face as I lean against the wall, waiting for Georgia to finish chatting with her mom.

“And you know I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how early Gray is here,” her mom’s voice floats down the hall quietly.

“Mother.” Georgia sighs, but I can hear the smile behind it. I feel my own cheeks aching with holding a smile back. “Don’t start.”

“I’m just sayin’. I think you both keep missin’ each other for some reason. And if you finally came together last night, well, I think that’s pretty amazing.”

“He’s my friend.”

“Friend’s make the best lovers.” I hear Georgia groan at her mom. “Was Henry not your friend?”

“Of course, but—”

“That man in there looks at you like you hung the moon. And you look right back the same way. I don’t know how y’all have been dancin’ around it for so long. But I’m glad you finally got there.”

“Okay, yes. Thank you, Mother.” I can imagine Georgia shooing her mom out the door, and when I peek around the corner, that’s exactly what she’s doing.

“Goodbye, Gray!” her mom calls out, waving at me from where I’m not so subtly hidden.

“Goodbye, Mrs. Schumacher!”

“Don’t say a word,” Georgia grumbles as she walks toward me down the hall. “Not a peep.”

“Wasn’t gonna say a thing, sunshine.”

“Hey, baby,” she says, kissing Olivia on the top of the head before looking back to me with shyness. “You heading out now?”

I don’t want to leave. Not only did I promise her to fix up the little things around the house, but I feel like the second I walk out that door, we go back to our normal little friendship. And I don’t want that. I wasn’t kidding last night when I told her I wanted to ruin the friendship. Her mom was right—we’ve been dancing around this for too long, and I’m not sure why neither of us saw it.

“Nope. Just need to get some stuff to patch that hole.”

“My sink is drippin’,” Olivia adds between bites.

“I’ll fix that, too, then.” I wink at her. “Also noticed the fridge is a bit wobbly. I’ll get a little piece of wood from my truck and fix that.”

Georgia follows me to the front door and hovers as I start to put on my boots.

“You don’t have to do all of this,” she whispers. “If this is awkward and you’re ready to go…I can sort it out myself.”