Page 120 of Blue Collar Babes

Emily is jazzed. Like she just witnessed a live-action episode ofLaw & Order. Her enthusiasm is kind of adorable, and her gratitude has been endless. She chatters the entire time she goes about setting up her new space. She loads the refrigerator with the things I insisted on buying her when we stopped on the way here—milk, cheese, and coffee creamer. Then goes about arranging the dry goods—cereal and snacks—on top. The way she’s bustling about, you’d think this was the nicest place she’s ever stayed. It’s only a few steps up in comfort, but I don’t question my motivations for getting her out of the other place. Any decent person would’ve done the same.

She surveys the room, and then dusts her hands, satisfied with the outcome.

When she turns that thousand-watt smile on me, I feel its warmth. I’m also a little overcome. Which means I need to set the record straight before anything else happens between us.

“Better?” I ask.

“Perfect. I can’t thank you enough, Jack. You really saved me.” I didn’t think it was possible, but her smile grows brighter. “You’re my hero.”

She wraps her arms around my neck. She looks so sweet and innocent; I’m tempted to plant a kiss on her forehead and say goodbye. But then she presses her hips to mine, and that thought flies right out the window. Which brings me back to setting things straight.

I run my hands up and down her back. “Emily, listen. I’ve enjoyed meeting you. You’re a sweet girl, and I haven’t had a fun evening like this in a long time—except for what went down at that dump of a motel.”

“Oh, c’mon. That was fun. Especially when she slipped that cash through the window to reimburse me.”

My lips curl up. I don’t fail to note how unusual it feels to smile, not having done so in a long time. Yet here I am tonight, smiling almost nonstop.

I pull her closer, breathing in her jasmine and vanilla scent and wanting to bury my face in her neck, lift her into my arms, and toss her on that big-ass bed. She sighs and settles against me, pressing her hip bone against the bulge in my pants.

“Hey,” I say softly, cradling her face in my hands and tilting her head so I can see her eyes. “I’m not interested in a relationship of any kind. I need you to know that. Not even a friendship.” Her eyes widen so slightly, if I wasn’t looking for her response, I wouldn’t have noticed.

“I’d love to take this further tonight. I haven’t wanted anyone the way I want you in a long time. But I need you to know that once I walk out that door, whatever this is, is over. And if that’s not okay with you, I’ll say goodbye now.”

I watch her jaw work as she swallows, but then I see the grit and determination in her eyes that I’d noticed earlier. At O’Brien’s when she first told me about arriving here. And then again at the restaurant when she talked about her dreams.

I wouldn’t blame her if she opts to toss me out on my ass. She doesn’t look like a one-night stand kind of girl. And that’s okay.

She takes a deep breath and holds it before exhaling against my chest. When she looks up at me, her smile isn’t as brilliant as it was earlier, but it’s still there.

“I get it, Jack. Besides, I have an entire new life to build, whether it’s here or somewhere else. I don’t have time for a relationship right now either. Friendship is another thing. I love having friends. I love people. But if you don’t want to be my friend, that’s okay.”

The problem is, I’d love to be her friend, but I can’t imagine seeing her and not wanting her. I know from experience that relationships are dangerous.

She rises onto her toes and presses her mouth to mine. I let her take over. Let her lips warm me. She nibbles on my bottom lip, then runs her tongue along the seam, parting them and pushing her tongue into my mouth. I take it greedily. The kiss continues to heat until it practically burns me.

Our tongues duel. I slip my hand under her skirt and glide it up her outer thigh. When I reach her panties, I slide both hands inside and grab hold of the globes of her firm, ripe ass and lift her onto the dresser. Standing between her legs, it’s déjà vu as I recall our position in Friendly’s parking lot. Only this time, I’m ready to take what I want. I drop to my knees, but instead of tearing those damp panties off her, I tug gently and slide them down her legs. She watches, her pupils blown, as I kiss her ankle. Moving upward, I plant tiny kisses along the inside of her calf and behind her knee. She squirms, and as I draw closer to her pussy, the scent of her arousal makes it nearly impossible to take it slow. But I’m determined. I’ve got one night with Emily, and I’m doing my damnedest to make it a good one.

She shimmies again, so I nip the inside of her thigh. “Sit still, or I’ll stop,” I say, praying she listens because there’s no way in hell I’m stopping.

She whimpers but stills as I drop to my knees. Wrapping my hands around the tops of her thighs to keep her still, I lick and kiss the spot I’d nipped and continue my path upward, ready to plant my tongue exactly where I want it to be.

I run my nose along the edge where her inner thigh meets her pussy. Her moans grow louder. Her legs vibrate beneath my hands. “Good girl,” I rasp. Without another word of warning, I flatten my tongue and run it along her slit from one end to the other.

“Holy cheese and crackers,” she mumbles, and I can’t help but chuckle. Her hands dive into my hair. Her fingers wrap around the strands and pull. It’s just short of painful, but it spurs me to go deeper. I circle her clit, taking turns sucking on the swollen nub and running my tongue between her folds. I lift one leg over my shoulder, and then the other, taking her even deeper.

“Ohgodohgodohgod.” Her fingers tug. Her thighs tense and vibrate, and I know she’s close.

“Come for me, baby,” I growl against her pussy. “I got you.” I swoop back in, licking and teasing. I wrap my lips around her little clit, and as I give it a hard suck, she falls apart. Her legs clamp around my head as she rides the wave of her orgasm. I don’t let up until she’s nearly boneless.

Reluctantly, I pull away. The beautiful girl who’s still wearing her yellow dress smiles down at me. She cups my face in her hands, and though I still bear the taste of her arousal, she drops her lips to mine and kisses me deeply. “That was magical, Jack,” she says, surprisingly bashful. “Thank you.”

I grin against her mouth and lift her into my arms. We don’t have far to go, just a few steps, but she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I carry her to the bed and set her down gently. I can’t wait to get her undressed and sink my cock deep inside of her. I can’t wait to make her come again, but this time, I want to feel the walls of her pussy tighten and grasp my cock as she comes.

I sweep her hair over her shoulder and lower the zipper on the back of her dress. She slides her arms out and raises them over her head, allowing me to pull the dress off the rest of the way. I nearly jizz in my pants when I realize she’s not wearing a bra.

Emily is slim and small-boned, and her breasts are as cute and as perky as she is. I reach out to grab one when she points out that one of us is overdressed.

She rises to her knees on the bed and begins to unbutton my shirt, cooing with each button she unfastens as if I’m her new favorite toy. When she finally pulls my shirt off, I realize how grimy I am from work. I pluck her up and toss her over my shoulder and head to the bathroom, causing her to squeal and playfully hit my back, giggling all the way.