Page 17 of The Scarred Heart

“Oh, and those toaster pastries with the cream cheese in them. Yummy,” Brynn said.

Kammie watched as Zander turned stiffly and stormed away. She almost felt guilty for what had happened to him, but she decided that if Row was going to stand up for her, she could stand up for herself, too. Squaring her shoulders, she slipped to Row’s side and moved his hand over her shoulder, holding it in place.

“I need to get my car and my things from the woods,” Kammie said. “I understand if you’re busy; we can come back another time, or you could come visit at my place.”

“We’re not busy. Come in, please.” Brynn tugged Acksel back into the house and Acksel groaned in aggravation.

“I thought you were tired.”

“I’m always tired. Little Mia likes to wiggle around when I’m trying to sleep.”

“We’re not naming the baby Mia.”

“Says you,” Brynn said, wrinkling her nose at him as Kammie and Row walked into the house.

Acksel shut the front door. “I hope you don’t think that I’ve forgotten you threw one of my males off the porch.”

Row wrapped his arms around Kammie. “He insulted Kammie.”

“How?” Brynn asked.

“He turned his back on her as if she didn’t warrant consideration.”

Acksel hummed and Brynn said, “See? I said he was being an asshole. If one of the protectors acted like I didn’t matter, you’d throw them off the porch, too. I freaking hate this hierarchy nonsense.”

“It’s not nonsense, it’s our way of life and you have to get used to it,” Acksel reminded her.

Kammie and Row sat on the couch in the living room. Brynn sat on Acksel’s lap. Row had a strange look on his face, and Kammie made a mental note to ask him about it later.

Row explained to the alphas how he and his sister had wound up in Wilde Creek and how he and Kammie had found each other. While he spoke, Row kept his arm tightly around Kammie, holding her close to his side.

“Will your sister still go see her people?” Brynn asked.

Row shrugged. “She said she didn’t need to. As long as she’s safe and happy, whatever her choices are, my mother and I will be happy for her.”

Acksel cleared his throat. “And what will you and Kammie be doing?”

Row tensed ever so slightly. “When she’s ready, Kammie and I will be going back to my people so we can mate properly. It’s a two-day journey. After that, it’s her choice.”

Kammie’s wolf perked up. Her choice? What was?

Acksel said, “Our pack laws don’t allow non-wolves to join. My mate is unique because I’m alpha and I changed the specific laws regarding the alpha’s mate. However, the laws for the pack are the same as they’ve been for generations—only wolves are pack members.

“As Kammie’s mate, you can join the pack as an honorary member and hunt with her on the full moon, but you wouldn’t be allowed to fight for rank.”

Brynn frowned. “That’s dumb, Acksel. He’s clearly a well-trained fighter. Why wouldn’t you want him to become a protector?”

Acksel sighed in a way that sounded like a growl. “We have laws for a reason. I changed the laws to protect you, but I can’t change every single one.”

Brynn rolled her eyes so hard, Kammie was surprised they were still in her head and not bouncing across the floor.

Row interjected, “I will help Kammie, if this is the life she chooses.”

Acksel’s brows rose and his mouth opened and closed twice, before Kammie said, “Can we table this for another time? I don’t mean to be rude, but we just wanted to make sure you were aware that Row was in town.”

“And that we’re mates,” Row said.

Kammie blushed. “Right.”