Page 15 of The Scarred Heart


“Don’t be sorry,” he grabbed her and pulled her close. “Don’t ever be sorry.”

“What were we talking about?”

“Getting naked.”

Rolling her eyes, she said, “The alphas. Yes, I need to check in. You’re new to town and Acksel would be pissed if I didn’t tell him you were here.”

He tilted her face and kissed her. “I’m going to grab some clothes and then we can go.”

She sat in Adam’s truck and waited for Row to get his duffel and climb into the cab of his own truck. It took him only a few minutes to change, and then he pulled onto the street and waited for her. She drove past him and led him to Adam’s. She hoped it was late enough in the day for Adam and Dani to be up and dressed. She didn’t think that Row would much care to see his sister and her mate together.

When she parked on the street in front of Adam’s house, Row parked behind her. She offered to carry one of Dani’s bags, but he wouldn’t let her, and she didn’t hide how much she liked that. There were males in the pack who didn’t give a damn that she was female; they would’ve told her to handle bringing the bags in and left her alone, but not Row. Maybe because they were mates, or maybe because he was honorable—she didn’t know but she sure as hell liked it. In fact, she liked everything about him.

“You’re gorgeous when you smile, baby,” he said as Kammie knocked on the front door.

She peeked at him, blush heating her cheeks. Her wolf was reveling in his attention, the silly creature fighting Kammie to bare herself to him so they could get to the sexy mating part. Although she was still saying no to the idea of being naked in front of her mate, she wasn’t protesting as strongly now. Skin-to-skin contact had always freaked her out, but she could admit that after spending the morning with him she wasn’t as worried by the thought as she usually was.

Adam, bleary-eyed and wearing only jeans, opened the door and squinted in the sunlight. Row made a face, which Kammie thought was adorable.

“Hey,” Adam said, yawning. “Dani’s in the shower, she’ll be glad to see her bags.”

Kammie followed Row into Adam’s house. Adam shut the door and led Row back to the master bedroom to drop off the luggage. Row came back alone, the bedroom door shutting loudly.

He crowded against Kammie, wrapping his arms around her and dropping his face to her neck. She hugged him, inhaling his sweet, dark scent. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d voluntarily hugged a male, but ever since Row had rocked her world that morning, she’d found it easier to touch him and to let him touch her. She still wasn’t sure she could takeallher clothes off, but when his hands were on her, she forgot about her scars.

“Are you okay?” she asked quietly.

“I don’t like being away from you.”

She totally thought that was awesome. Before she could answer, Adam and Dani came out of the bedroom. Row straightened, but didn’t let go of Kammie.

“Thanks for bringing my clothes, Row,” Dani said.

Row tossed the truck keys to Adam, who placed them on the coffee table. “Have a seat. Are you guys hungry or thirsty?”

“We can’t stay. We need to check in with your alphas and pick up Kammie’s things from the woods,” Row said.

“Oh, okay,” Dani said as she plopped on the couch with Adam and snuggled close to him. “Adam talked to Acksel this morning, but told him we wouldn’t be leaving the house anytime soon. I guess I’ll meet him later.”

The heat that filled Adam’s eyes was enough to make Kammie blush, and she looked up at her mate and watched him grimace. Row cleared his throat with what sounded suspiciously like a growl. “Kammie and I haven’t discussed everything yet, but I’m planning to take her home so we can mate officially.”

Kammie looked at Row in shock. She was surprised to hear him say he was planning to take her home, but she tabled her thoughts and concentrated on the situation at hand.

“How weird is it that we both found our mates?” Dani smiled, looking at Adam.

Even Kammie could see the arousal simmering between Dani and Adam, and she suddenly wished she was anywhere but in Adam’s house. “Anyway,” Kammie said, “we’ll leave you guys alone.”

Row nodded. “You need to call Mom.”

“I will.”

“Are you going to go meet your people?”

Dani’s syrupy, lovey-dovey smile made Kammie uncomfortable. Why was it so easy for some people to love others? Adam didn’t seem to care about being half-naked in front of his mate. His body was scarred from a fire when he was younger and he’d always been one to cover up as much as Kammie. It unnerved her to see him so at-ease with Dani, and even Row and Kammie, when she was still struggling.

“I don’t think so,” Dani said. It seemed to take her some effort to look away from her mate. “Adam’s my family now. I know that Fayar would probably let us use the sacred cave, but I’d rather follow the pack’s traditions for mating since we’re going to be staying here.”