Page 14 of The Scarred Heart

“It’s the door off the kitchen.”

He smiled and turned away, finding the laundry closet. He was definitely not in the habit of doing household chores, but he could do laundry, and he’d learn everything else for Kammie. When the comforter and blanket were churning in soapy water, he closed the closet doors and walked into the kitchen.

He brewed two more cups of coffee and carried the milk and sugar out to the living room. Sitting next to her, he kissed her temple and said, “I don’t want you to cook breakfast for me, but you’re out of pizza.”

She grinned broadly. “I don’t mind.”

“You said you work for others in the pack; you shouldn’t have to do that with me.”

“It’s different.”


“You know.” Her nose wrinkled and he kissed it.

“No, I don’t. Tell me.”

“Because…” she bit her lip and her gaze darted over his shoulder.

Cupping her face, he drew her attention back to him. “Tell me, Kammie.”

“Because we’re mates.”

He swore his bear just did a cartwheel in his head. “You didn’t want to admit it last night.”

She nuzzled his palm. “I know. I’m not really sure what will happen, but I can’t deny who you are to me. My wolf won’t let me. Last night was the most peaceful sleep I’ve ever had, and I know it was because of you.”

“And then there was earlier, on the floor,” he said softly.

Her cheeks flamed. “That was nice, too.”

“More than nice.”


“It was for me, too.”

“Let me make you breakfast. Not because I have to, but because I want to.”

“Only if I can help.”

She nodded and they stood, moving to the kitchen together. For the next twenty minutes, Kammie gave Row a mini-lesson on breakfast and they were soon eating scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage. It was possibly the best breakfast he’d ever had, and it was simply because Kammie had made it for him.

As the morning passed they talked about everything, but the heat that still simmered between them. She wouldn’t say anything more about the uncle who’d given her the scars, but Row knew that in time she’d trust him enough to share her whole life with him. He held nothing back from her, and she took everything in stride. He’d wondered if she’d be disgusted by the fighting he’d been part of for so long, but she seemed to understand that he really didn’t have a choice in the matter. He might be the only bear in the wolf pack, but as long as he had Kammie, he didn’t much care about that or anything else. Her happiness and safety were paramount to him now. Nothing else mattered but her.


After lunch, Kammie and Row drove to get Row’s truck. They both got out and met in front of Adam’s truck.

“I’ll follow you to Adam’s house,” Row said.

“Right, and then we can get my clothes and you can drive me to my car.”

“Do you need to check in with your alphas?”

He folded his arms across his massive chest and her gaze followed the line of his bicep down to his pec. She couldn’t really help herself. He had a fantastic chest. And abs.

Row groaned. “Baby, I appreciate that you like my chest—no shit, my bear is preening like a damn peacock—but unless you want to get naked, eyes up here.” He pointed to his face and Kammie laughed.