Page 11 of The Scarred Heart

“Idowant you to touch me, but I’m scared.”

He stroked the top of her hand with his index finger and she seemed to relax slightly. “Just lay next to me, sweetheart. Let’s leave the rest for the morning.”

Stiffly, she followed his request, laying on her side and staring at him. Her lower lip was swollen from where she kept biting it. Her eyes were wide, and her body was stiff. He could hear her heart beating quickly. He doubted she’d ever fall asleep in her current state.

“Would it help if I turned over?” he offered.

She smiled. “You’re very accommodating, considering that about two hours ago you had me pinned to a tree.”

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Worry flashed through him. He’d been running on instinct, but that was no excuse. “I’m sorry I was rough.”

She put her hand on his shoulder, right near an old scar, her thumb barely grazing the ridge of it. Her gaze strayed to the mark and she shook her head slightly. “I’m fine, really.” Inhaling deeply, Kammie closed her eyes and lay her head on the pillow. She didn’t move her hand from his shoulder. “Good night, Row.”

He was humbled to the very center of his being. For a female who’d been mistreated to the extent she had been to allow a male she didn’t know to share her bed—she was far more courageous than she believed herself to be.

He knew he wouldn’t really sleep. His bear was too consumed with the need to keep her safe. Closing his eyes, he inhaled her sweet scent and let himself drift off into a light sleep, his bear ready to do anything to protect their mate.

* * *

Row woke feeling refreshed despite having slept lightly. Kammie’s house was quiet, but his bear had taken every tiny noise to mean something dangerous—from the heater kicking on periodically to the rumble of cars on the street—and as a result he kept startling awake. Not that he minded; he’d take a million sleepless nights if it meant sleeping next to Kammie. Her warm hand on his shoulder had meant more to him than all the meaningless sex he’d had over the years.

He wanted to make breakfast for Kammie, but he had zero ability in the kitchen. He stared at the carton of eggs in her fridge and knew if he attempted to cook them, he’d make a total mess of it. Pulling open one of the drawers, Rowe found a plastic bag of leftover pizza slices and decided they were his best option.

He arranged the slices on a plate, put them in the microwave to heat, and then popped a pod in the coffee maker. The pizza was hot by the time he brewed a second cup for himself, and he opened several of the cabinets before finding a tray that would hold everything.

He walked into the bedroom as Kammie rolled over with a yawn. “Morning,Adara,” he said.

She blinked and rubbed her eyes. “Good morning.”

He set the tray down on the bed and sat next to it. He looked over the contents, embarrassed that he didn’t have more skill in the kitchen. A male of worth should be able to provide a better meal for his mate.

He looked at her and saw her eyes were shining with tears. “You made me breakfast?”

“It’s not much, I know,” he said, grimacing.

“Oh no, it’s amazing. It’s the…sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”

A tear slid down her cheek and he brushed it away. “Really?”

She sniffled. “Yeah. I’m the one who works for everyone else; I’m an omega. A really low omega.”

“I don’t know what that means. What’s an omega?”

She fixed her coffee with one spoon of sugar and enough milk to turn it a pale beige. “Omegas are the lowest pack members. We’re not ranked, but some omegas are given more responsibility than others or are treated better. All females are omegas, except for the alpha female.”

“Female bears aren’t ranked. They’re either mated or unmated, and the unmated females usually live with their families. I guess the females are like the omegas in your pack, but everyone just pitches in for whatever needs done. The king is the boss and the sleuth does what he says. There’s no fighting for rank. Do your males fight?”

She nodded and took a sip of her coffee. “On the full moons, when the alpha allows it. I do a lot of work for the alpha and his mate. I cook and clean for them, and there are other females who expect me to work. I should be at work right now, actually.” Her voice trailed off and she looked away with a frown.

Row reached over the tray and cupped her chin. She turned her head. “What is it, Kammie?”

“I’m just not very important. Not at all, actually. If I didn’t have cooking skills I’d be entirely invisible.” She pushed his hand away. “It’s why you won’t want to stick around.”

He snarled. “I don’t care what wolves think. In case you didn’t catch me in the fur yesterday, I’m not a wolf.”

“I know you’re not a wolf. But you’re still a guy.”

“What the hell does that mean?”