Page 42 of The Scarred Heart

Row knew he was that person for Kammie, too.

“How are you going to handle Dani shifting? I’m asking because I’m her brother and I want her to be safe.”

“I do, too.” Adam said. “I talked to Acksel about it. I’m going to fence in the yard. Acksel’s making arrangements with the local construction company to put up what will amount to a security fence. I’ll be able to stay with her in my shift, and she’ll be safe within the confines of the yard. It’s not ideal, but it’s safer than taking a chance on someone mistaking her for prey.”

Row nodded. “She’s impulsive.”

“I noticed.”

The girls returned to the table and the waiter brought dessert. Row shared a slice of dark chocolate cheesecake with Kammie, and then they headed home. When he unlocked the door to Kammie’s home and led her inside, he asked, “Would you like to stay longer?”

“Why would I want to do that?”

“This is your home, the pack is all you’ve ever known. I just want to make sure I’m not rushing you from a place you love.”

She pressed her palms to his chest and looked up at him. “I don’t love Wilde Creek, I love you. And this place isn’t my home anymore—my home is wherever you are. Do you know how much you’ve changed my life? You give me the strength to be myself. I sat at a table tonight, in public, with a shirt on that clearly showed some of my scars. I don’t even know if anyone was paying attention to them, because I honestly don’t care. Because of you, because of your love and strength, I’ve found my own strength.”

“I think you had it all along.” He was humbled by her words, and profoundly proud of her.

She shrugged. “Maybe. All I know is that I don’t care if anyone sees my scars anymore. I am what I am because of what I endured. I can let my past go, because the future is going to be amazing.”

He lowered his head and captured her lips, drawing her close. She sighed and relaxed into him, her hands clenching in his shirt. He lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed.

Slipping his hand down the center of her body, he pushed her top up and kissed her stomach. She fisted his hair and sighed happily. It took him no time to strip her of her clothes, and then he spent the rest of the night worshipping her the way she deserved and making love to her one last time in Wilde Creek.


Kammie woke up early that next morning. She was used to waking up and getting out of bed immediately to get ready for the day, but she didn’t have a job in Wilde Creek any longer. Before she met Row, she would’ve been out the door as soon as the sun was up to start working around town. She’d spent a majority of her time each day at the alphas’ home, cooking meals for them; Brynn had told her once she thought of Kammie as her own personal chef. It hadn’t been Brynn’s idea to have someone cook and clean the house for them, but Acksel hadn’t wanted Brynn to work too hard because of her pregnancy. Kammie knew that Row would be the same way once she became pregnant. He wouldn’t want her to lift a finger. But unlike the alpha wolf, Row would take care of her himself.

Her mate slept quietly next to her, his big body warm against hers. She hadn’t ever spent the night with a male before Row, but she adored the way it felt to fall asleep with his arms around her and his warm breath on her neck. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of how amazing he smelled and how safe she felt in his arms.

Row growled softly and pulled her a little tighter against him. She felt his erection against her back and smiled as she laid her hand on top of his where it was splayed across her stomach.

“You must always have sweet dreams,” he murmured against her neck.

“Oh?” she asked, chuckling.

He hummed. “You smell extra sweet in the morning.”

She rolled to her back and he straightened his arms, caging her and gazing down at her with adoration and heat. “I was just thinking about how much I love to wake up with you.”

He smiled slowly, his eyes darkening. “You’ve come a long way from the female who made me sleep on the couch that first night.”

“Because of you. If I’d mated a wolf in the pack, nothing would’ve changed about my life. You’re a wrecking ball. You knocked down all my carefully constructed walls. I see myself more clearly now because of your influence.”

“You’re going to make me blush,” he teased.

She stroked her hands up his arms and gripped his shoulders. “It’s true. Without you, I don’t think anything would’ve changed about my life. I don’t think I believed I was worth loving.”

“And now?”

“Now I know I am.”

He nuzzled her throat with a growl and began to kiss down the center of her body. She loved the rough scrape of his stubble against her stomach, and she shivered as he kissed her navel and nuzzled her. He paused, burying his face more firmly against her and inhaling slowly. She brushed her fingers through his soft hair and scraped her nails lightly against his scalp.

He lifted his head, and his eyes were dark with passion. A smile spread swiftly across his face. “I think you’re pregnant.”

She blinked. “Um, no. I can’t get pregnant until my mating heat in the fall.”