Page 39 of The Scarred Heart

Holy freaking crap.

Hurrying to the entrance, she waited a brief moment for the doors to open automatically, and then stepped into the warmth of the mall. A large directory stood a few feet in front of her, and she used it to locate a lingerie store on the second floor.

When she told Row she wanted to go shopping, he’d wanted to come with her, but she hadn’t wanted an audience. Row would be supportive, but he’d also probably tell her she didn’t need to buy anything fancy on his behalf. Then she’d have to explain that it wasn’t just for him, although that would be a bonus. She was slowly getting comfortable in her own skin, and buying something pretty was another step in the right direction.

She paused for a brief moment at the entrance to the lingerie shop to gather her courage when a familiar voice said, “Hi Kammie!”

Her eyes widened as Mia Slattery, a fellow pack member, straightened from where she’d been leaning over a table of panties.

“Hi, Mia,” Kammie said. Her feet were firmly rooted to the floor, and her cheeks were pinking. She was trying to have a milestone moment—by herself—and now she wasn’t alone.

Mia moved to her swiftly and said in a low voice, “Are you okay? You look a little green. And embarrassed.”

“I just…didn’t think I’d see anyone I know.”

Mia smiled in understanding. “Can I tell you a secret?”

Kammie blinked in surprise. She and Mia weren’t good friends, but they’d known each other forever because of the pack. Mia and Alpha Brynn were best friends, and even though Mia was also an omega because she was a female, having a brother who was highly ranked in the pack meant that Mia wasn’t as low on the totem pole of omegas as Kammie was. And Mia wasn’t scarred from an abusive childhood, either.

“Of course, Mia.”

Her voice lowered as she spoke. “My brother’s business partner is coming in to have dinner with Mal and his family. Nila finagled me an invitation because I’ve had the hots for Lucian forever, so I was thinking that I should buy some sexy undies, even though there’s no way in hell Lucian will ever see them on me.”

“Why not?”

“Because Mal has made it clear to Lucian that I’m off-limits.” She sighed wistfully. “Even though I wouldn’t want to ruin their friendship, I kind of wish that Lucian liked me enough to give up everything to be with me.”

“Do you think you’re mates?”

“I don’t get to spend enough time with him to know. He’s never in town because of his job, and when he does come into Wilde Creek, Mal never tells me. I’m pining away for a guy who may or may not be my mate, but because my brother meddles, I don’t actually know. It’s frustrating.”

“I bet. I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, well, me too. I’d actually like to spend time with him and see if we’re mates, but I have a feeling that Mal is going to squash things again.”

“I wish I could empathize, but I was an only child.”

“Well, he’s not all bad. He’s just overprotective.” She shrugged. “So, I told you about my unrequited love. Are you here to find something sexy for your mate?”

Kammie nodded. “I’ve never looked for anything sexy before.”

Mia smiled gently. “Would you like some help?”

“Thanks.” Kammie breathed out a sigh of relief.

She wasn’t sure what to look for, and as she walked into the sea of silk and lace and employees with headsets, she was glad to have Mia with her.

As they browsed, the two women talked about Row and the bear sleuth, and Mia’s undying interest in her brother’s best friend. Kammie entered a dressing room with a handful of items and closed the door. Mia moved into the room next to hers and said, “My mom took me to get my first bra when I was eleven.”

“That’s nice.”

“She invited my grandma.”

Kammie laughed. She’d never had any of those experiences. Maggie had taken her in after her uncle was banished from the pack, but the female, although kind, had only had sons and didn’t seem to remember what it was like to be a young woman. She’d provided for her as best she could, but all of Kammie’s clothes had been hand-me-downs. She’d dressed to hide her scars and had never been told that she was pretty or that she shouldn’t cover up.

Kammie stared at herself in the long mirror. It had taken four bras to find the right size. She was more confident in her skin than she’d been since before she was abused, but she didn’t want a strange woman to measure her chest. Now she was wearing a teal lace bra with tiny flowers embroidered on it. She held the scandalously tiny panties in her hand, thinking they would probably melt to nothing in the washing machine. Staring at herself critically in the mirror, she looked past the scars to the woman behind them. She’d come a long way since she met Row. They were both fully marked and mated now, and his favorite activity wasn’t just making love but lying around naked and talking.Naked conversations, as he liked to call them, were some of her favorite times with her mate, too.

“How’s it going?” Mia asked.