Page 35 of The Scarred Heart

Desendra nodded. “It’s never a good idea to let others tell you who you are.”

Kammie knew that was true. She wasn’t going to let anyone limit her again. She was her own person. She’d found strength at the core of herself—because of Row and his confidence in her, but also for herself. She wished she’d been strong enough to fight off her uncle, but there was no use in wishing for things that were in the past. She had a bright future ahead of her, and that was all that mattered.


Row smiled as he listened to Kammie tell his mom all about Wilde Creek while they drove down Main Street, heading to her house. Time had flown while they’d stayed in the sleuth, and Row would’ve rather done anything than bring her back to the people who hadn’t protected her when she was most vulnerable. But they were coming back with a good purpose—to pack her the hell up.

“It’s a wonderful little town,” his mom said.

“I’ve lived here my whole life. It’s a mixture of wolves and humans. Wolves own a lot of the businesses and hire pack members to work for them. I like the sleuth, though. It’s self-sustaining without feeling isolated.”

Row pulled to a stop in front of Kammie’s home. The back of his truck was filled with packing boxes. None of the furniture was Kammie’s—it had all come with the house—so they hadn’t needed to rent a trailer. When they left Wilde Creek, his mom would drive Kammie’s car and follow them.

“Do we need to check in with the alphas, since I’m a stranger to your people?” his mom asked.

Kammie said, “I texted Alpha Brynn that we were on the way and told her you were coming with us. I said we’d stop by and see them tonight.”

Row got out of the truck and Kammie and his mom joined him. “I hope you can pack fast,” he said. “I want to get home.”

“You’re such a homebody,” Kammie teased.

“It’s a good thing when I have your sweet face to come home to.”

Her cheeks pinked and he chuckled as he kissed her.

Kammie was reaching for her key to unlock the door when it opened and Dani appeared, throwing her arms around their mother and hugging her. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

“Oh, I missed you, sweet girl,” his mom said. He could scent her tears and he put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

“Come and meet my mate, Mom,” Dani said.

They followed her into the house and found several boxes stacked neatly against one wall. Adam straightened from where he had been putting a bunch of DVDs into the top box, and smiled.

“Welcome back.”

“What did you do?” Kammie asked.

“Don’t be mad,” Dani said, “but I told Adam that it would be nice for us to help you out and pack for you. I know you’re anxious to get back to Oakville. I would’ve been happy to send you your things, but Adam said you had to personally talk to the alphas about leaving so you would need to come here anyway.”

Kammie looked up at Row and grinned. “Did you know about this?”

“No, but I’m glad. I hate packing.”

“Me too,” Kammie said.

“Me three,” their mom said.

Kammie moved to Dani and hugged her. “You’re the best sister I could’ve ever hoped for.”

“I always wanted a sister,” Dani said.

Kammie stepped away as Dani introduced their mom to Adam. She joined Row in the kitchen, leaning against him and wrapping her arms around his waist. “I can’t believe how sweet your sister is.”

“She’s your sister too.”

“I know.”

Row kissed the top of her head and looked around the kitchen. The cabinet doors were open and the shelves were empty. Dani and Adam had been working hard to pack up for Kammie, and Row was thankful. The less time they were in Wilde Creek, the less chance there was for someone to hurt her feelings. She was a much stronger female now than she was when they first met, but he couldn’t help but want to protect her from anything bad.