Page 26 of The Scarred Heart

Kammie said, “Gloria was telling me about her granddaughter, Ahmani.”

Row was disappointed that Kammie changed the subject from his job, but he shook off the feeling, deciding it really was too early for him to expect her to want to move from everything she’d ever known.

“How old is she now?” Row asked, taking the cookie that Kammie handed him. Ahmani was the daughter of their oldest son.

“She’s six. Quite a fierce little female,” Fayar said, smiling proudly.

Row couldn’t wait to give his own mother some grandkids to fawn over. As the small group ate snickerdoodles and drank hot chocolate, they talked about everything but the elephant in the room—Row leaving the sleuth and joining the wolf pack. He wasn’t sure how to show Kammie that Oakville was better for her than Wilde Creek, but he knew he’d figure it out.

“Kammie and I would like to use the sacred cave tomorrow night,” Row said.

Fayar nodded. “When your mother told us that you were coming home with your truemate, I had the cave cleaned and prepared. Everything you need is inside. Breakfast will be the following morning at nine so you have a chance to sleep in.”

“We almost missed our breakfast,” Gloria said. “It’s easy to lose track of time in the cave because it feels so secluded inside.”

“Thank you,” Row said, standing and shaking Fayar’s hand.

“Keep me apprised of your situation,” he said.

Kammie said goodbye to Fayar and hugged Gloria before donning her coat. Row took her hand as they left the house and began their trek back home. She was quiet, and he let her have the silence. He wasn’t sure what to say anyway. He wanted her towantto live in Oakville, but he understood how used to her old life she was. He’d live and serve with her in Wilde Creek if that was what she chose, but he hoped like hell that she’d see how much better she’d be treated in the sleuth and want to move.

“Would you have to keep doing the monthly battles if you lived here?” she asked suddenly.

He squeezed her hand. “Before I left to take Dani to her people, I told Fayar that I was growing tired of the battles and he offered me the position as trainer to the young males.”

“That would be your job within the sleuth?”

He nodded. “Why?”

“I was just wondering what you’d do if you—if we—were living here.”

He stopped walking and she turned to face him. “What are you thinking about,Adara?”

“This place is different than Wilde Creek. I mean, I knew it would be, but just from what your mom shared, you have a place of good standing here. You’re a valuable member of the sleuth, not an afterthought.”

At his confused look, she clarified, “In Wilde Creek, you’d be my mate.”

“I’m your mate wherever we are.”

She shook her head. “No, it would bewhatyou are in the eyes of the pack. You’re a powerful male and a good fighter. Here you’re respected, but in Wilde Creek the definition of what you are is related to me—you’d become, in essence, a lowly omega. I can’t stand the thought of you being reduced to that when you’re worth so much more.”

“I don’t care what my title is as long as I get to be with you.”

“Icare. You hate how my pack treats me, but I’m used to it. Do you think I could handle you being treated that way?” Tears glistened suddenly in her eyes.

His bear growled in approval. She might want to move to the sleuth!

“Adara, what are you saying?”

“Gloria took my coat and saw my scars,” she said, absently rubbing her elbow. “She asked me who hurt me, and then she growled. It was soft, but it was angry. She looked like she wanted to hunt down my uncle and kill him. She looked like you do whenever we talk about my past. Brynn is sweet, and concerned that everyone is happy, but she has limited power because Acksel is truly the law of the pack. He won’t deviate from the rankings, and he’s very much an ‘it’s always been this way’ sort of guy. Your queen wants to kill on my behalf and she’s known me for an hour. I thought you were unique and that you felt the way you do because you’re my truemate, but I think it’s all bears. Your mom also told me that she wanted to hurt whoever hurt me.”

“I don’t think bears are the only ones who don’t like to see their people abused.” He rubbed his neck and growled. “Idothink that Acksel and Brynn wouldn’t allow the sort of suffering you dealt with to happen now. They both seem honorable. But they’re steeped in tradition that says physical scars are a weakness that can’t be tolerated. Instead of teaching you how to protect yourself so no one ever lays a hand on you again, they shoved you to the bottom of the hierarchy and allowed their people to treat you as if you don’t matter.”

“I’ve hated for you to see how I’m treated.” She flushed in embarrassment, and Row shook his head.

“I’ve hated it too, but it doesn’t have to be that way anymore, sweetheart. We can take a different path, together.”

Her eyes shone brightly with tears as she looked up at him. “I want to live here. I want to leave the pack and join your sleuth, and raise our kids here.”