Page 47 of Tryst

I don’t know where you are, but I am going to fucking end you.

thirty three


My body being jostled jerks me awake.

The sun shining down on my face is so bright that it causes me to squint. The scrunching of my face causes me to wince in pain, and I vaguely remember Eddie hitting me in the face.

That pain is only made worse when he grabs my head and roughly pulls a gag through my mouth before tying it behind my head. Trying to use my hands to fight him off, I realize that they are bound behind my back.

Gripping my shoulders, Eddie pulls me upright. The abrupt motion makes me dizzy and nauseous. I nearly vomit when he throws me over his shoulder. A feeling that only intensifies when his hand grips my ass.

The ways I hope to God that it is just so he doesn’t drop me.

Struggling against the urge to go back to sleep, I try to look around to see where we are.

“Wheels up in five minutes,” Eddie commands to someone I can’t see. Before I even see it, I realize we are at the air terminal.


Where is he taking me?

Still slung over his shoulder, my body is jostled around with every step he takes. With my limbs bound, there is nothing I can do to brace myself as I repeatedly bounce against him.

Every step feels like he has taken me miles from my Alex.

Carrying me up the steps, he walks me onto the Learjet, and roughly drops me into a seat. Looking around as he fastens my seatbelt, I don’t know if I feel relief or fear over the fact that we are alone.

Probably an equal amount of both.

He paces the aisle of the plane and pulls a snuff bullet from his pocket. Fiddling with it for a moment, he brings it to his nose and inhales deeply.


Unhinged and high.

Continuing to pace the short length of the airplane, he is incoherently rambling to himself. Occasionally I catch bits and pieces of what he’s saying, but I’m not able to piece it together.

The look in his eyes as he approaches me is terrifying. Leaning down, he strokes the back of his fingers down my face and along my jaw. His touch causing every hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.

“Do you remember the last time I was on a plane with you?” The sudden calmness in his voice is eerie.

My mind is fuzzy, but I don’t recall being on a flight with him. I’ve flown with Alex and Andres a few times to Mexico, but usually it’s just me and Alex.

Shaking my head, he snickers.

“Were you faking it for him?” He continues to sneer.

My confusion must be written across my face, because only seems to become more agitated at me.

“The last time I flew with you, sweetheart. The day after you an Alejandro first met” his tone is snide, “We all listened to you scream for an hour as he fucked you.”

His fingers continuing to trail down my arm, my entire body stiffens with my repulsion.

“So, tell me,” his fingers continue to slide up and down the bare skin of my arm, “Were you faking it for him? To make him feel like more of man?”

A tear rolling down my cheek, my lips trembling around the gag in my mouth, I shake my head at him.